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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Damn, damn, damn... that is nice. I'm just doing copy image url and using the little image button... 110611_Sat_LKNfun.com_11383_133.JPG

  2. Can't... help... myself... 2v99jsp.jpg

  3. Oh yeah... :lol: getting old, can't remember stuff...

  4. Too much what?

  5. jld only talks good about you... ;)

  6. Nice, Cat Bell would so get it.

  7. Sorry for the funeral... good to have u back bro.

  8. Where u been at lazy ass?

  9. :lol: Well in all honesty my first thought was Michael Vick but I didn't wanna piss u off... u look kinda like a pro bball player ai've seen but I can't think of who...
  10. Do now... I see nekkid titties!

  11. Thanks for the rep... I thought robot porn would be appropriate for u. Robots_25.jpg

  12. I cannot help it... it is what I do.

  13. Can't find that one, this one'll have to do... olivia-d-abo-autograph.jpg

  14. Yeah, I had completely forgot about her until I saw Conan last night... gorgeous.

  15. :party: Mr. 2 million... *****... :P

  16. No, it's not a gif...

  17. Yes, yes it is. That boobcritic site is great.

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