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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Sorry... haven't been on much this weekend... off today and out and about goofing... will post more tomorrow...

  2. You on vacation or something?

  3. Like the new av! :thumbsup: Cleavage is good.

  4. I see you're an even older geezer than I am... well, at least compared to most of the punks on here... :D

  5. My favorite is the one with the 5 chicks! jennahazeassui4.gif

  6. If I put a pic of me as my avatar it wouldn't get nearly the reaction... well, except maybe from the few ladies on here :lol:

  7. Dude, I always turn images and avatars OFF when at home!

  8. Spanky, spanky... and not the ass :D08cb1b11.gif

  9. You two stop arguing and stare at the ass... Tanned_Hottie.gif

  10. :D I'm fixin' to update the 'All dat azz' thread... if it's still there :(appletwinshotbikinis010.jpg
  11. Me likey the yellow dress avy! :thumbsup:

  12. Did I rep you for that? Oops, it was meant for Kurb... enjoy it anyway... :D

  13. :lol: No, my other half does not need to see my profile page... thankfully she's not on here. :D
  14. My current avatar is Ms. Denise Milani... there's a thread on her in LL's... I like the large bewbs! :ihih:

  15. That's kinda fun... :D

  16. Yeah, they work now? Maybe I had the image setting off? I'm stupid sometimes.

  17. Hey, thanks for the links on my profile... edit them and put the tags and everyone can see them without clicking.. :D

  18. <- Her name is Denise Milani.

  19. Yeah, I don't give rep lightly... but I do pass it out...??

  20. How come you can rep me, but I can't rep you??? Not fair. I owe you some.

  21. Yeah, she is isn't she... she's fairly new, probably last week. Ms. Denise Milani. I keep av's and images off at home too...

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