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Silent Majority

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Everything posted by Silent Majority

  1. Like I said. I like Sam. I think he has tremendous tools. Something is preventing him from being consistent and its not exclusively O line play.
  2. Sheesh, you got me there. Great, well thought out rebuttal.
  3. Pretty blanket excuse. He has had time and WIDE OPEN receivers on occasion. Why tf would I judge a QB in times where the line gets obliterated?
  4. Fair enough. I could be wrong, but even with time he is still not seeing the field. He is a vet. He may be rushing bc he doesn't trust the O line completely, but that theory runs contrary to the way he sits in the pocket.
  5. Folks get real pissy, when you don't drink the Joe Brady/Darnold Kool Aid Lool. I like Sam...I just believe he has peaked. We need a spark plug not a game manager.
  6. Lol that was awful Sam. Double coverage? Simply cannot do that poo.
  7. Watching this team run basic 30's forcing CMC to break down his body overpowering the D at the point of attack, over and over again, on first and second down is head scratching. This is one of the most flaccid interiors I've seen on this level.
  8. usually don't take losses hard but this is garbage. Miss me with it being a result of a a couple of missing starters. Rule and staff got sonned. Pathetic pie faced ass
  9. My concerns are, can the D move Dak off of his spot/harass him into being INT Dak. Can they Stop that running machine they have, while not being killed by the play action deep. Can the O line give Sam enough time to find RA and DJ. Can Chubba flashback to Red River Super Saiyan Chubba.
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