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Status Updates posted by SCP

  1. Suck it, Alice.

  2. Is there anything more stupid and far fetched than soda commercials?

  3. Gettlemagic

  4. If you fart in outer space, does the smell ever go away?

  5. Buffalo turds

  6. I would if I still had it. I posted a link in the smack forum when I listed the records. It may still be archived if you search for it.

  7. my allegiance lies with many. lol

  8. Alas, my allegiance lies with many.

  9. I'm not voting. I'm a weak, weak man.

  10. I'm not voting. I'm a weak, weak man.

  11. I am married with 2 kids, so I am too damn old to go to Red Dogs. Used to be a great place on the weekends. Might be still. I'm over in Charlotte area now.

  12. Bewbs trump team colors. No foul.

  13. I'll be in ATL that week.

  14. Nice. It's always good to have a high roller in the family.

  15. All over. I'm staying at NewYorkNewYork this trip. Stayed at Paris a few months ago. Rooms are dirt cheap. I'm only paying $79 at NYNY.

  16. You gotta check out the new CityCenter. Finally opened recently. http://www.citycenter.com/

  17. It's pretty dead out here right now. I'm only in town for two nights for business. Not getting much fun time unfortunately.

  18. Yea man, just had our second baby. New little boy. 7lbs. 13oz. Thanks for asking.

  19. Padded stools? I'm in. Have a good one.

  20. Good deal. Maybe we can grab a beer at that new Carolina Ale House my pops told me about. He said it's pretty good.

  21. Same to you brotha. We were supposed to be in Wilmington with the golf clubs all week but the Dr. put the kibash on my wife traveling last Friday. Too pregnant.

  22. It's really sad. This Obama administration could set off a bomb in Times Square and these idiots would find a way to defend it.

  23. Not this weekend. Wish I was but I'm watching it at the house. No tickets and the wife is pregnant....I'm going out of town the next morning.... I've got a long list of excuses. None are acceptable though.

  24. SCP

    You have no idea man. I was pretty damn fugged up. Plus somebody spilled a beer on me so I reeked of skunk beer. Fox evan looked at me and said "Damn son." LOL Good times.

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