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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. Keep up the good work!

  2. It is a "baby" Giant Black Sea Bass. I was fishing near one of the Channel islands off the coast of California (can't remember if it was Santa Cruz or Anacapa. They grow to be pretty huge and I've seen an 8 footer once while scuba diving. They are protected so I had to let him go..

  3. Ok, picture dealt with... WHat happened to your good buddy LBF?

  4. Ok, I will leave it there until I get reported or someone does something with it. What the heck, I haven't had an infraction for awhile and it would be well worth it....

  5. To LBF: Just give them time and they will come around..... I doubt it! :lol: Don't want to scare him off too early. We might want to keep this whipping boy around for the season. P.S. Hayden rocks! When does she turn legal?

  6. Hey Buddy! Good to see another Cali Fan!..

  7. I live in Bakersfield. Kinda far from Riverside. There are about 6 die-hard Panther fans I watch the games with. If you are ever in the area or want to get togehter, let me know and we can arrange something.

  8. Hey, another Cali Fan!

  9. Nice pics, Bro!

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