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Status Updates posted by ChucktownK

  1. No way man, Sam Mills DESERVED what he got. :P

  2. Saw these dudes hangin' one over the freeway on the way home the other day. Forgot to tell ya. http://zmca.org/index.php/forum-a-resources/forum?func=view&catid=4&id=135

  3. Dunno why I didn't send 1 before. =

  4. You're getting under fiz's skin...I like you already. Keep up the good work. ROFL

  5. Man you know it's bad if I'm advocating the "Show me yah papaz pleex?!" BS! I know WTF I'm talking about. The pic is epic! hmmm.... picepic lol

  6. Dude, go register with these guys (L.A.) ASAP, I'm getting some good offers from them right now. http://creativecircle.com/ It might take some time for them to get back to you but you'll get offers via emails.

  7. Dude, your sig is jacked, may wanna fix it.

  8. These guys are such clueless posers. My wife worked at a Brazilian restaraunt in W. Hollywood for 5 years which makes almost half of all our/her friends gay. I don't give a rats ass what someone does as long as they're a cool person. Their mantra is getting really old.

  9. Dude...that's exactly what I told my wife. LOL

  10. Couple of things: I hate Bill Maher but did you catch Jesse Ventura on there? It was pretty cool. I guess Alex got to him because he moved to Baja and is TOTALLY off the grid now. Doesn't even fly any more, drives EVERYWHERE! Also, you remember Dr. Rima Laibow right? Well, heh, look who her husband is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Stubblebine None other than one of the generals that were experimented on with drugs in the 60s and 70s. The very same man who General Dean Hopgood was based on in the movie The Men Who Stare At Goats. Pretty fuggin trippy.

  11. They sure didn't like it when I took away their Snopes away yesterday did they, LOLZ. That's a Govt textbook takedown.

  12. You get rep for that son. Me and my wife tried to go to one of their shows here in LA before he died and it sold out right as I got there. I think we would'a been the only white people there. :) Wouldn't bother us though. ;P Check out the Strange Fruit Project. Good sh!t.

  13. Dilla as in J. Dilla from Slum Village?

  14. I'm all over the place, I guess, as far as beliefs. I was raised Baptist and my wife is Roman Catholic, yet we have similar views about religion and God. I do believe in karma as well but not so much the word itself. The God I believe is much bigger than just the earth or this world. I mean, why would the creator of the "Universe" only apply for one tiny insignificant planet? I chose to make sense of what I believed instead of getting in line or just turning my back on God period like Cat did. I'm also not going to criticize other people's religion unless it directly harms other people. But then again, I've never heard of a religion that actually advocates violence against innocent people. I don't put much stock in religion but I believe in foretold events and history and I believe at some point, there will be an end...Who knows, it could all be a test.

  15. Check out Autolux...I'm sure you already have, heh. Greg Edward's dad is my favorite morning news host, Steve Edwards. Pretty funny. GooDay LA

  16. That's awesome man, I gotta boy on the way. Miss...nah not really, Huddle's been the same old same old. Glad you're working. I haven't forgotten about you. Things are dicey for me though right now. But...I'm in LA which has largely been unaffected by the downturn soooo I'm keeping my mind positive. Cheers

  17. Hey man, where you been?

  18. I've seen Failure & Ken Andrews live. Failure was in Columbia of all places. They used to have a decent seen back in the day.

  19. Geek rock like Bitcrush, Run_Return Stars of Track & Field. Then there's what people call post-rock like Mogwai, Explosions in The Sky, She, Sir (that's the name She, Sir...LOL) then there's the rock like TOOL (of course) Burning Brides, Failure, Year of The Rabbit, Ken Andrews, Autolux, Ben Harper, Film School. and some international stuff African Jazz like Fela Kuti Brazilian like Seu Jorge.

  20. All the honest non-partisan info about society and what the government is doing. The best thing...it's one of the most credible sources there is. http://www.cato.org/

  21. I hope you are smiling wherever you are my friend...:)

  22. Check'em out. One of my favorites right now. I'm all over the place though...musically. You prolly have a better chance of seeing them than I do if you're on the Right coast. I may have already seen them out here though, so many shows I forget who I've seen, LOLO. Baby Bird is my favorite. Enjoy. Riddle of Steel

  23. Because I am ALMIGHTIEEEEEE!!!!! LOLOZ

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