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Bama Panther

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About Bama Panther

  • Birthday 01/30/1979

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  1. This has been the biggest issue with the Panthers’ attempt at a turnaround. They haven’t taken a patient approach, such as the one you laid out above. If they had done this, even going back to Rhule’s all defense first draft, things may have been way different now.
  2. Dominant third period. If the Canes can win Game 6, all the pressure will be on NYR as the President’s Trophy winning team potentially blowing a 3-0 series lead.
  3. I don’t post in this forum much, but one can clearly see the difference here in the third period. The Canes are attacking Shesterkin, and he is letting pucks by him. Up until this point, it seems as if they’ve almost played scared of him, awaiting perfect shots. This is how to beat him.
  4. Dude, I could not care less about draft value from some message board poster. I also don’t worry myself with bitching and moaning about a draft pick on the night it happens. What I do know is that all the other teams have passed on players the Huddle has been clamoring for. If this “top local talent” was so good and worth the medical risk in taking, they’d be off the board.
  5. Being “from the Carolinas” has absolute poo to do with reasons to draft someone.
  6. Because people want to bitch and moan all the time.
  7. A very likely outcome from behind the arc for the Tide.
  8. I was surprised by UNC’s second half. Bama’s D has been problematic all year. I fully expected UNC to break triple digits on the way to a win tonight.
  9. Also gave you an L. Sorry. I had to.
  10. This is a great game. I fully expect UNC to pull it out, but a great game of run answered by a run answered by a run. Fun to watch.
  11. Those teams all had multiple seasons with those QBs. The Panthers have had one. Not quite the same thing.
  12. These salaries are getting absolutely insane. At some point, the NFL salary model (resetting the market each year) will be unsustainable. The League as a whole can’t reset the market every year for nearly every position just because there is roughly 10% more money to spend.
  13. Yeah. You can’t just say, “We’re rebuilding” and it happen exactly like you want. The team has to have a plan. Maybe they have one. Maybe they don’t. Either way, a rebuild doesn’t start with giving Burns $30M a year going forward.
  14. Yeah. Forgot about the option. Either way, the Panthers could have a QB on a rookie pay scale for close to the entirety of Hunt’s contract and the entirety of Lewis’s.
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