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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Damn @ Corbett. NGL, Mays has a chance to steal a job early.
  2. But will Tepper give her the ol' 5 finger in the crack, exaggerated ass grab at the hiring presser this time around?
  3. I dint have any problem calling a guy out or giving up on him when it's clear he isn't going to develop or just isn't good... I dont feel that way with TMJ at all. It's tough to talk about stats considering the dysfunction offensive system that he, and all the other offensive guys have played under for the last 2+ years. It's kind of hard to judge what he should or could have done, just as it is with all the other guys who have played in it. Darnold and Baker looked like they shouldn't even be in the league after playing in this offense under Rhule - both have looked very different and at least NFL-caliber since he was fired. I think that's important to consider in any evaluation of talent at this point. What we know is that TMJ has impressive physical skills and measureables. We also have seen evidence that he knows how to use them - his route running is VERY impressive for his size, and he also had begun to be featured as a high-point-ball guy once he emerged from the doghouse when Rhule was fired. Everyone who has been at TC the last two years has spoke glowingly of how he has performed there, so again, we know the ability is evident, and unlike a guy like Shi, who I was high on for the last two preseasons, TMJ has actually produced some big plays when it mattered, REPEATEDLY. So I'm holding onto hope for his future. I think he could take a huge leap next year... that doesn't mean we don't acquire any other talent at the position, but just that TMJ should definitely be in the fold going forward. I'm very hopeful and excited about what he can do with an extended opportunity.
  4. I fell asleep at some point during the 2nd quarter. First time I've done so in many, many, many years... I saw BC's injury, but never heard an update. Then when I woke uo in the 4th, I heard the announcers say Corbett went out with a knee injury but i didnt see it.. I really hope neither is too serious.
  5. Damn straight. If we trade up for Stroud, I wouldn't be upset. But if we we sit where we are or trade back for Richardson or Hooker, I will be much happier with that pick plus keeping our assets.
  6. I really do love me some Wilks, and all things considered, what he did in the final 12 games is nothing short of amazing. I still want an OC, but I feel bad for even saying that. Wilks deserves to be a HC in the NFL, but I just don't want the conservative stuff we've endured for almost 30 years for another 3-5 years.
  7. Turf strikes again. BC's foot got caught on the turf as Chubba was tackled into his leg.
  8. I honestly think it's still angst from Rhule's time here combined with the shitty offseason the Hornets put together. Hiring back a loser coach we fired, punting the 13th pick, and signing no one really stunk things up for the fanbase. Then Rhule destroying the culture and running our football franchise into the ground while being brought back for a 3rd srason he shouldn't have even sniffed because we all knew he was in over his head... Us as fans, knowing both our football and basketball teams were going into shitty seasons because of shitty leadership and piss poor decisions by our front offices really bubbled up a ton of apathy, anger, and venom towards our teams. A lot of our respective fanbases have never felt more hopeless. I think that's where it's coming from.
  9. I think this "lacks killer instinct" stuff and "good, not great," and "solid #2" lacks some serious perspective. Was Magic the killer MJ and Kobe were? Could he have won a championship with the supporting cast Melo had had? Absolutely not. What about LeBron? Nope. He is a top-tier NBA superstar. A lot of people are jumping to these proclamations in a season in which our dumbass organization hired the coach they previously fired, in part for his archaic offense and outlook on the game, as well as his lack of meaningful development of young players during his time here previously. A season which we were blindsided by Miles DV case which resulted in our second best player, a borderline, burgeoning all-star caliber player, being absent from the team, likely for the season. A season in which Melo has been injured twice for a significant amount of time. A season in which the team essentially threw their hands up in the offseason after the Miles issues, and did nothing but punt a lottery pick for nothing, draft a big that'll rarely ever play or develop under the retread coach they brought back, and then signed scraps off the heap that were left the month before the season started. So, what exactly did you expect him to do with this roster, coach, and loser ass organization we have on a season in which they chose not to compete? You should be grateful to have him, imo, because it's one of those things where you don't know what you have until it's gone. Melo is charismatic, a young star, and the straw that stirs the drink kind of guy who other players love to play with... you want him here. Now, if we could just get the talent around him to allow him to fully play to his potential. And don't hold your breath for Victor W... even if we finish dead last, the NBA is not giving us that top pick. It'll be another Anthony Davis situation. They'll find another franchise that has a more favorable FO and coach in place where he'll get more exposure. And finally, look at Giannis' and Lebron's history with Melo. That tells you all you need to know about what his peers consider him. He needs fuging help. Period.
  10. Isn't Marc also the guy that said Tepper loved Demeco Ryan's a week ago?
  11. I hope they do, and that would be the perfect hire. Also hope they do it to further validate Brian Flores. Ross is a fuging imbecile.
  12. Him and Steph are the two guys I have proudly cited that in each of their drafts, before they took place, I said I would trade whatever capital was required to move up and get them, and I still stand by that, obviously.
  13. Careful walking around with that Hot Take there, bro.
  14. Man this world is full of idiots. No reason for Tee to feel any responsibility or guilt on what was a very routine play for any given football game when the injury occurred. I keep thinking back, for further reference of just how crazy the game is and how rare that injury is, is the fact I remember when Steve McNair got hit and broke his fuging sternum. Like how would that not have caused something like this? And yet it didn't. Or like Mo Lewis' hit on Bledsoe that started the Brady Era. He hit him in the chest and literally almost killed him (i believe from internal bleeding)... but it didn't cause cardiac arrest. Yet, this play was very mild compared to all of them, but again, if it was commotio cortis, it was the timing in which the impact happened withing Hamlin's heartbeat cycle. Their odds of what happened actually happening were probably smaller than being struck by lightning... just a very unlucky situation to find themselves in. And yet, very lucky it happened when it where it did for Hamlin.
  15. Beautiful. Love to hear it. And that is wild that he does indeed remember it considering how early it happened in the game, too. I read a story in the local news in Raleigh yesterday about a kid that had suffered commotio cordis as a senior in HS after getting hit in the chest with the ball during a lacrosse game and he said all he remembered after recovering was getting to school and getting ready pre-game. Love to hear he is cognitively and neurological intact.
  16. I understand that, and feel the focus should stay on Damar as well. And I understand he was given tryouts later, but that was after the NFL tried to save face and created that coalition of handpicked guys for race-issues to co-opt what Kaep started, well after the fact. My feeling was they did initially blackball him and then quietly kind of pulled back the repeal after some time had passed and it wouldn't be likely he would make a team based off the fact that he hadn't been on a field in 2 or 3 years. It's just what I speculate from seeing everything from the outside and knowing how corrupt the NFL is. Remember how pissed off Eric Reid was with Malcolm Jenkins? IIRC, he insinuated that those coalition guys basically sold out and took hush money to make the NFL come out of it looking like they did the right thing. I will NEVER give them the benefit of the doubt. And I didn't even mention all of the crap they let go on with Snyder. They are just morally bankrupt and disgusting, corrupt, evil people. My hope is Damar can make a full recovery and live a normal, happy, healthy, productive life beyond the NFL after this, because once he's healthy again, they may promote him for a bit and have him do some appearances for their PR poo, but he's not vested and once the spotlight calms down, the NFL will treat him as just another number and try to sweep him under the rug... because to them, contractually, he is not their responsibility post-injury - and him having suffered this episode playing their game, he should be.
  17. Oh, people can bet their ass that story is coming. I guarantee it. We all have seen it in plain sight, ESPECIALLY us as Panther fans.
  18. For those of us who haven't been following along page by page, has there been anything else since he told that Charlotte-based media source that he prolly will be back at Michigan next season?
  19. He definitely grew a lot as a player after his time here, and I truly enjoy watching him play now, when he has. And yes, that was quite the classy move. But I also want to take this opportunity to share how what just took place there was so characteristic of Ron as a HC. I'm telling you, had it not been for Cam, his career win% would be hovering somewhere around .350. All they had to do was win and Ron decides to start Wentz over the guy that took them on that run to even get them in contention. Wentz proceeds to lay a fat egg against a dysfunctional team that was already well out of the playoff picture long ago as they are starting a serial sexual predator they gave up a king's ransom for and then paid the most guaranteed money in league history to, all coming off a essentially a two-year stretch of having not even been on a football field. And THEY LOST. Then, Ron admits after the game that he didn't know losing to them and the Packers winning would eliminate them that night. And THEY WERE ELIMINATED. Then he tries to go back to Heinicke, now post-elimination. So glad to be beyond that now... but I'll tell you, I saw a clip from after their game Sunday, and even their broadcast team was absolutely raging and demanding a complete reset. Something you would never hear or see here... I dont think Ron makes it out of this offseason.
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