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  1. Thanks to Eddy for his contributions, but his clutch kick misses and inability to be trusted with 53+ yarders doesn't warrant security or an extension... especially when you have a rookie in camp who isn't missing anything and nailing kicks from 60 on the regular. I honestly wish they would just tell Eddy to kick rocks prior to camp so we can move on.
  2. Yeah, it is the same story every year with him, so I expect nothing from him once the games start. Hell, even Tremble makes poo happen in actual games with way less touches and opportunities... But, I will say this... I think it's entirely possible that the staffs just did not know how to utilize TEs AT ALL in games, and maybe he will finally put it together under one like Canales, that does. Just like I said earlier in the offseason that Tremble is a damn good football player, he just needed the opportunities... I still maintain that as of today, Tremble is the best TE on the roster and has enormous potential... but the fact that Greg Olsen still vouches for Thomas to this day tells you it's not just smoke. He knows if a guy can play or not... and think about how bad other guys on offense have looked the last few years because of how dysfunctional everything was. When it comes to Thomas, I'm not holding my breath. But I also won't be surprised if he comes out of nowhere with a crazy productive year.
  3. I dont have a dog in the fight besides hoping for the best for our guy now that he's a Panther, and admittedly, I kept up with football, both college and pro, and the draft, the least I have in my life this past year bc of life changes... that being said, XL didn't have the QB talent or coaching that any of those other guys did either, so let's see what happens.
  4. I think they give him the full season, but if he stinks as bad as he did most of last year, and there aren't many signs of improvement, I could see them pulling him 10-ish games in. Still just sucks... The other day, I was telling my friend, who is a Patriots fan, that I'm still so mad that we sold out for Young because Stroud, AR were there last draft, and I REALLY wanted to wait until this draft to have a high pick because of Maye. But, no use in crying over spilled milk... we're stuck with Bryce, so we ride until the wheels fall off and then do it all over again.
  5. I mean, didn't Les Snead walk around with that "fug those picks" shirt after their Super Bowl?
  6. I haven't paid a ton of attention to sports this year, as much as I have in the past, but I want Wilson. And that's coming from a UNC alum. I know he's had injuries, but he's a playmaker if healthy. He's got that IT factor. Wouldn't be upset with an edge either, just don't know much about them this year. (I like the older guy from FSU, can't remember his name now though, but I watched him in some of their games and I was impressed).
  7. I dont think either get anywhere near 33. They're both gone well before.
  8. Isn't Reddick seeking a trade as well?
  9. Damn, was hoping we'd get him, but honestly after that first wave of FAs that are getting paid with Brinks trucks, most of these guys are looking for teams that are built to contend already. Should've known...
  10. I agree it needs to be addressed, but ngl, I really like Tremble. He's just been underutilized and stuck in dysfunctional offenses his entire career. When he gets the ball in his hands, he makes plays, period. Even with him more featured, we still need help there though.
  11. Maybe we made "you're not leaving town" pitch on the tarmac?
  12. Is this rumored or you're speculating? Howard used to be a fuging monster, buy I imagine he's starting to show his age.
  13. I can't get excited because they've really tapped all my resources there since that SB50 loss. But as I said in another thread, it finally is looking like a plan is in place and the FO/staff/administration are cohesive and have an actual defined sense of direction for the first time... maybe EVER. I do love everything they've done outside of the Burns debacle and Luvu leaving, but in hindsight, Morgan couldn't really do anything about withe of those. Fitt fuged up the Burns situation and Luvu ideally should've been extended last offseason, but even then, it seems like he was looking for a better situation regardless of money so we couldn't make him stay if he didn't want to. So yeah, Morgan is really hitting some massive Homer's right now. Turning DJax into Deionte Johnson may be the best move of the entire offseason in all of the NFL, and that is no overstatement. Huge steal.
  14. Hell yeah. Now this one I can rock with. Go get him!
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