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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Who hires the coach? Who signs the checks? It's his decisions. No one else's. He admitted he basically hired Fitterer as a patsy because Rhule had full control over personnel, which he allowed. It's all on him.
  2. He makes the decisions. He set us back three years, minimum. Who else do you think is responsible? He has overseen the assembly of this entire shitshow we're currently witnessing.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I had accepted the tank because I figured Rhule would finish the season. But Wilks gave me hope. He was here when we won. He knows what the culture should be. I'm not even putting this on him. This is all remnants of Rhule's toxicity and dysfunction boiling over. I'm just saying, this is about as bad as it can get. I've seen plenty of losing in my life as a Panthers fan. We all have. I've seen plenty of losing trams outside of the Panthers. I've never seen them look this dysfunctional, disjointed, and cannibalistic.
  4. I just refuse to judge him off the Cards gig because they forced Rosen on him. But, apparently it didn't matter. Even if he had Kyler, looks like they would've just thrown screens and run powers the whole game.
  5. We aren't even playing Brandon Smith. We have the PS guy out there over him. Smh...
  6. Wilks arguing with assistants, assistants arguing with players, players squaring up with coaches, Wilks sending players to the locker room during games... and we're 3 quarters through a professional football game and have only attempted 3 passes that traveled beyond the LOS in 45 minutes of gametime. Wilks gave me some hope, because he's a good man and he isn't Rhule. So the very minute amount of optimism I had left for our team reared it's ugly, deceptive head again... but I go back to my original concern that I expressed when Rhule was still here - the longer he stayed, the more damage it would do. The longer the stench of losing and dysfunction that he wafted and saged into the air with his failures, the harder it would be to get back to baseline. And look at us... I knew the odds were against Wilks and us as a team because it's hard to change an entire system, scheme, routines, and most all, culture in mid-season. But, man, this really couldn't go much worse.
  7. I still stand by my statement that Cam would easily be the most talented QB on this roster. That being said. This isn't on PJ. He has a grand total of 3 passes attempted that traveled beyond the LOS through 3 quarters. Idk wtf McAdoodoo and Wilks are thinking.
  8. All it took was one game for me to lose my belief Wilks could be the next head coach. This is pathetic.
  9. Matt Rhule Presents: Steve Wilks, The Legend Continues.
  10. Yeah I'm over it. PJ has shown the ability to throw downfield in two full NFL games. And they've only allowed him to throw it beyond the LOS TWICE in almost 45 mins of gametime.
  11. May be the first time Periera has ever reviewed in our favor, and he did it TWICE that drive... tells you how bad the NFL officiating has it out for us.
  12. Lol refs working OT today... one threw a flag, the other overruled him that they gave them the timeout first. SSDD.
  13. This is why you don't run this shitty cruise control offense... the refs stepping in now and giving the Rams the game because we kept it close.
  14. Nah, it definitely looked open, but PJ is also 5'11" and had a guy right in his face when he threw it, too.
  15. There's the Donte we all know and love again!
  16. Tough to get a rhythm when you've been running extended handoffs behind the LOS all game for your only other passes.
  17. I'm not gonna lie, it's tough to watch. We gotta get another TD at least. I understand controlling the clock and emphasizing the run, but you have to throw it downfield a bit to keep them honest... and its even more surprising because PJ has done it before in games. So I don't understand why we're limiting him THIS much. This isn't creative at all. But, we'll see if it works...
  18. I dont blame him for that, but it isn't the WRs coach that's making that decision. I dont disagree, and it's part of why I've defended him for so long because we aren't utilizing the talent we've had... and judging from Wilks' halftime interview, it doesn't sound like we're gonna start in the 2nd half either.
  19. We will not win if we keep running this same offense in the second half. ...and McVay WILL make adjustments. I hope we're ready.
  20. I dont recall Smitty squaring up with his receivers coach. He got into it with other players all of the time, and it was all due to competition... and Smitty produced, which makes it easier to gloss over the times he crossed the line. Robby, despite me defending him, has not showed up for going on two years, but it steady acting shady in covering for Rhule and now squaring up with a coach on the sidelines. I wouldn't be surprised if they just outright release him instead of trying to find a trade partner. He seems pretty salty after Rhule was fired.
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