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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. These non-stop screens aren't gonna be sustainable though.
  2. McVay looks tired as poo this season. It's clearly been rough.
  3. Derrick fuging Brown is showing out this season.
  4. My God Rhule was such a fuging imbecile. I'm serious when I say half the guys off the huddle could've gotten hired as HC and doubled his wins. What a fuging idiot.
  5. I am fuging loving what I'm seeing. Wilks wasn't lying. We are pounding the run.
  7. I dont even think it's that, because most Chargers' home games are filled with the opposing team's fans. They just don't care about pro football unless it's trendy. They're struggling this year, so it's not cool to be there.
  8. Interesting Holcomb is down on the sideline, where Snow was always in the box.
  9. LA never deserved another team. They just don't care about anything but the Lakers and Dodgers.
  10. Agreed, but I think that's just how it played out for the scripted portion. We even gave Foreman a handoff. I like what I see.
  11. I dont think Rhule was purposely limiting his touches, I just think it was a byproduct of Rhule wanting to run RPOs as the primary form of offense and defenses were baiting us into throwing to the one available route. We couldn't gain yards, couldn't convert first downs, so our possessions and TOP were limited, and thus, they never really got the chance to get him the ball in any other ways. At least this is my theory. It's still fuging mind boggling.
  12. Already multiple looks, motion, and RB rotation, and I don't think one RPO yet. Damn Rhule was fuging us up so bad.
  13. Shi would be a damn good football player if he knew how to fuging catch. Damn bro.
  14. I see you CMC, pop his ass right back. Pause.
  15. I know it's the opening drive, but the offense already looks so much more in rhythm and functional - KNOCK ON WOOD.
  16. Wow Thibodeux with the strip sack to likely put the game away. Giants are legit. And the Ravens desperately need a real WR.
  17. But... what if we do win today?
  18. Still hoping the best for Wilks, it would make all the suffering negligible... but, man... if we would've canned Rhule last season, we could've had Daboll. Dude is for real.
  19. Damn those folks pissed you off, fiz Hooker just happens to play football there.
  20. Yeah, that was all top-tier shitbag stuff from Urb, and he's lucky he didn't get his ass whooped. I just think Rhule is getting a pass because much of the media and our fanbase perceive his shortcoming s were simply because he didn't know better, but I disagree. I cite the Joe Brady situation as a perfect example. Him going on vacation after those losses, then coming back and firing Brady after a bye week. I think it's very comparable to Urb's declining to fly home with he team to sit creepily while getting a lapdance from a coed... also, the "can't wait to coach Cam," stuff and then releasing him. I know that doesn't cross the lines of physical abuse stuff, but I think it's evidence that he definitely knew what he was doing and operated with bad intentions. The OOU stuff now coming out and the stuff coming out from the creative/social media teams I think also speaks to a hostile work environment and a guy that was definitely creating a hostile/exclusive work environment. I think a lot of his actions were intentionally divisive, and it's pretty telling that it went on for so long but we heard so little from inside, or even the media, because people were scared of retaliation. I am naturally cynical though.
  21. Likely. I just think the fake rah rah stuff can wear on some people and their personalities (such as myself), much more than a guy (Urb) who tries to be intimidating but isn't very intimidating himself. That's where I am coming from. If I was a staffer around Rhule and Urb, Rhule would bother me a lot more because his type of fake-positive but super insidious style of leadership does what it just did - lasts way too long with more far-reaching implications. Again, Urb was a dick and extremely hostile, but I think the staff and team knew it wasn't gonna last and they just had to ride it out for a short time. The poo Rhule had going on had enough bells and whistles that he was able to get his hooks in to enough people that mattered for long enough that he was able to hang around and extend the misery for way longer than he should have. Not trying to convince you either way just explaining why it would bother me more with Rhule. But, I'm only referring to the pros... if you're wanting to include him willingly hire a guy with ongoing domestic abuse issues in college that's a whole nother ballgame, and I would agree, that is easily more toxic and problematic. I'm strictly referring to the big-time college coach taking over a pro franchise and which style was worse.
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