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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. What's funny is this is all going to come down to Sam sucking again and a now smaller portion of this forum hating him all over again and blaming him for missing the Playoffs lol.
  2. Cdparr7 is the guy who says we'll win 11 or 12 games when you ask during preseason ... every preseason. Then when the teams stumbles he vanishes a bit. Then when there's a chance of something happening for the team, he returns. Cdparr7 is also the guy who doesn't understand that falling ass bakward into the Playoffs this year is not the same as making the Playoffs year after year due to being an elite franchise. But hey, man, enjoy your Wild Card game if we get it! Get pumped! Wear your Carolina colors! Cheer your asss off! Then when your next post is way way away on Draft day ... tell us all how you have a great feeling about the upcoming season! 12-5! Keep Pounding!
  3. Maybe that makes me the best fan, because as much as I dislike Charlotte, dislike the uniforms, dislike the team name, dislike Cam's personality, dislike how this team has been run, dislike losing, etc. I still stick by them as my team!
  4. Our team name is beyond lazy. Our logo sucks (meaning behind it is fine). The electric blue accent was a mistake to add from the start as it's not Carolina blue. Black is indeed boring by itself, and our silver doesn't do anything to enhance it. I'm an outlier who thinks our all whites are the best look. Black/Silver/White is Raiders. Our all blues or blue/white or blue/black looks hideous. It's all trash. Just like our mediocre franchise lol. Get in a time machine and start all over again. New name, new color scheme, etc. #fashionpolice
  5. People really want us to trip into the Playoffs only to get destroyed. Hey, whatever will make your sad little lives a little better for a few weeks or so.
  6. You missed my point. We picked 8th. People get angry we didn't draft him.
  7. You know how people keep bringing up how that early pick on a QB isn't a guarantee? You know how people keep bringing up how we had an opportunity to draft Fields? The less teams in front of you the better. It's all about the math. The "results" are unknown for every player drafted in every round. You want the widest selection possible without having to trade up. It's quite simple.
  8. Why is this a thread? Yes, he's the best QB on the team. No, he shouldn't be our starter. I think we should all be on that same page. There are like ... maybe two Sam homers on here who actually think he's elite. Then there are like eight angry trolls who despise Sam for some reason and will argue til they are blue in the face that he's pure trash. So why don't the 10 of you go create a group chat somewhere and stop spamming the damn board. Threads about Sam are soooooo last year.
  9. He's been very pedestrian this season. No thanks.
  10. We can do better. But since we're the Panthers, it will be Wilks.
  11. We have an Other Games thread. So ... is the point of this thread to mock CMC if he has a bad game? Or regret the trade if he has a good game? Delete this.
  12. People just don't have any patience. They want wins now and Superbowls now. "YES! WE WON! But ... Sam still suuuucks, lol. Sam lololol. He suuuucks." >>Sam manages to get us into the Playoffs by winning the ugly South.<< "PLAYOFFS, BABY! But Sam and Baker suuuuuuuck. Put PJ in! Any given Sunday with PJ! Sam suuuuucks!" >>Sam plays terrible in Playoffs. PJ comes in and sucks too.<< "F Rhule for Sam! F Tepper for Baker! PJ can't do ANYTHING with this line! DJ sucks! We had a real chance!" >>Panthers draft a LB<< "Great pick! It's who I wanted. Corral and PJ are going to battle it out in camp. I see 10 wins!"
  13. And when we trip into the Playoffs, and Sam plays horrible, and this board unleashes all levels of hell on Sam ... then what? Then nothing. We need an elite QB here.
  14. Yeah, this isn't a Huddle majority thought at all. Delete this thread.
  15. They should change the rule so that you need to use a hand to make someone down. Horn downed him with his heel lolololol.
  16. Weird. Denver has a guy with the last name Strnad. I thought it was an error on his jersey.
  17. We're not drafting a QB now that we won't be able to get the top two. We already have a drafted QB in Corral.
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