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Brooklyn 3.0

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Posts posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. 1 hour ago, stirs said:

    Changing subjects again, just a bit.

    How will this change education?  Anyone see a day when school, at least for certain grades is totally online?

    What changes would it make for budgets?

    If schools were at home, it would be well cheaper than running buses, maintaining and building schools, etc, etc.  But, the teachers could be laid off by the thousands and the same broadcasts could be sent to kids in different districts and different states.  Kids would not miss school if they were a bit sick, even weather related closures might mean school goes on anyway.

    There are pros and cons to any idea, and I think the social aspects of being with other kids are very good, although the bullying would subside.

    School sports would be impacted, how to grade an assess a students aptitude by not having the one on one could be problematic.

    But, each child could get a free computer and such easily for the money saved.  School lunch programs are another issue.


    Anyway, just throwing a couple topics out there for "post corona" America.


  2. 42 minutes ago, stirs said:

    What will the worlds reaction to China be once this is all over?  Nobody has time to worry with it now, but do you think China will suffer economically by the world turning its back on them?


    • Pie 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Cam's New Arm said:

    If I was writing a Chinese propaganda war movie, I'd say China released this on it's own people, knowing it would spread around the world, weakening every chain in the armor of a nation. Waiting for the perfect time to strike.

    This though, would never happen..


    • Pie 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, stirs said:

    COVID-19 causes more severe disease than seasonal influenza.

    While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

    Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.


  5. 1 hour ago, 4Corners said:

    This is a racist meme. Not funny. 

    Jesus christ, dude. That's obviously not his hair naturally grows. You have a goofy haircut, you get made fun of. Are you sure you're not from South Carolina?

    • Beer 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, run-run-pass-punt said:


    I'm not sure I understand. Garlic is a *potent* antiviral when properly activated.

    So you blame Big Pharma for not just handing out garlic cloves to hospitals during flu season. Cool.

  7. 22 minutes ago, run-run-pass-punt said:

    I haven't read any of this thread, so forgive me if the following has been recommended, but you can get an antiviral boost by consuming activated garlic.

    Simply crush a clove and let is sit for 10 minutes to active the compound (allicin) that acts as an antiviral and consume raw. Gargling with your saliva after chewing on it for a while is great for getting the spot (back of the throat) where many nasties like to fester.

    Another antiviral that is easily used is 100% pure copper. Wear a copper bracelet or regularly touch copper for the added benefit. Unlike silver, it doesn't have to be wet for the antiviral effect.

    Stay safe huddle.

    spit take GIF

    • Pie 1
  8. 33 minutes ago, 4Corners said:

    Looks like your president is going to put profits over the well being of his citizens. Who woulda thunk it?

    The Dems could've helped said citizens votes ago. But nah, bruh, politics!

  9. 2 minutes ago, stirs said:

    The point was that they got sick from seasonal flu....and died.


    The point is that this is not just an "old person" virus. Anyone can get it, most get over it, and anyone can die from it. Stay out of groups, wash your hands, be smart and we'll get through it eventually.

    Put kids in school ... hide the old folk, lol.

    Snl V GIF by Saturday Night Live

  10. 26 minutes ago, KSpan said:

    Kansas just closed K-12 schools for the rest of the year. As an honest statement, I would love to know what specific datasets are driving these types of decisions.

    End of the school year.

  11. Almost 1000 cases in the state here, almost 500 in the city. 9 deaths. Numbers will only increase before they stabilize. I just wish the stock market wouldn't crash because of this. Everyone is going to hurt because of that.

  12. em9qS.jpg


    NJ is closing all bars, restaurants, casinos, gyms, and movie theaters starting at 8pm. Statewide curfew from 8pm to 5am. This is what happens when people are too ****ing selfish and stupid to listen to the science and stay home.


  13. 14 minutes ago, Ja Rhule said:

    CMS teacher reached out to me.  Said classes will be online even for Kindergartners.  Asked if my kid have a laptop and internet... if not, CMS will prove both.

    Yeah, they're going to try online here. I have no idea how they'll organize that though. They train teachers tomorrow. But with the 1.1 million kids, you'd have to imagine there are at least 100,000 without a laptop. No idea how they'll reach those kids.

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