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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. She's a troll former hooter waitress that blew the right dude and now she is worth at least 10 billion fug her
  2. "i mean, its uh, um, its on me, you know, I uh, you know feel like I have to get better you know, its um, its hard, but its on me you know"
  3. yeah man matt corral is tearing poo up right about now, same with will grier and sam darnold
  4. so fitt is a cuck is what you are saying
  5. "Its um, you know, Kill, uh, Kill, its like uh, Kill...."
  6. wtf is he doing with his feet? Goddamn and its clear he cannot see the field. Jesus H why is his footwork so fuging terrible copers lets hear it
  7. Due to the timing of the trade I think it was CJ when we did the trade and then nicole and dave happened
  8. So fitt nailed the young pick but tripped over his dick with mingo, hurst, and tmj. that doesnt make sense
  9. you get it, kudos as you always seem to understand but there are others still dying on the young hill for some reason. And I didnt mean to use cope for you as you are level headed it was a repost for the rec guy. I just find it hilarious that people are dead set that young is the man and the front office has failed him in building the roster without seeing the comic value in that
  10. we drafted a wr to help, we drafted a top rated guard to help, our scouting got it wrong but yet you are convinced our scouting nailed the bryce pick. fuging odd
  11. I doubt either will as they are both looking for jobs now. Reich on the other hand should fuging unload on tepper unless there is some disparagement clause in his contract but his statement today was like a damn textbook stockholm syndrome
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