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Everything posted by mrcompletely11

  1. Looks like some kid in a Make a Wish God speed lil fella
  2. I am as down on this season from the jump, but I really dont think you can take anything good or bad from 2 short practices. I laugh at the guys on twitter saying bryce is going to cook because he threw a "dot". And I lauged yesterday at the dudes saying bryce is in midseason form for having an off day. I think we find out a bunch on the 5th and we should have an idea I suspect of what our offense looks like after the jets week/game. I think DC knows after the disaster of last preseason he needs to put on a show and try to beat the brakes off of the jets.
  3. IMO if, and thats a huge if, the pats simply sit Maye for the year they will be golden in 2025
  4. because we have a ton of wr already, he is 5'9 160 lbs and simply isnt going to make the team in any capacity. Why waste time, money and reps?
  5. lets just fast forward to the first qt of the pats game. We should know something after that. And I swear to God if they only play him a series or if its more of the vanilla poo I will lose my motherfuging mind
  6. he has been in front of a mic since he was 18. This feels like something else
  7. I truly believe we absolutely stole sanders. I could be wrong but he just screams super star
  8. why would this offseason be any different since he has been playing football?
  9. I am praying that isnt a result of d coordinators looking at the film and simply knowing how to stop bryce.
  10. Its really not the losing part as things happen to nfl franchise, what pisses me off is the manner of how we got here. The absolutely illogical way this team has been ran and put together. Maybe it gets turned around but my hopes are not high
  11. Am I a bad fan if this is the first time I have ever read that name?
  12. in regards to DJ, people seem to forget that the steelers got tired of his poo and shipped him out for nothing. He is a malcontent in a contract year, what could possibly go wrong? He was a dip poo under tomlin when they were winning, whats it going to look like this year with a first year head coach sitting at 2-7? Ill get the popcorn ready
  13. durable isnt some super trait, if he continues to get hit he will get hurt
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