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Posts posted by PanthersGTI

  1. 3 hours ago, Panthers Fan 69 said:

    The fact that Smitty TD and all of our other black players love JR, it was probably another made up cancel culture BS to go along with the times. 

    Okay, I'm sure if it was your daughter or wife he was harrasing you'd be completley fine with it. They probably just making it up anyways right? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Panthers Fan 69 said:

    Why do you think Bryce is the guy after one of the worst overall 1st overall pick’s rookie years in nfl history? 

    Because anyway you slice it, he was going top 3. So no matter what the huddle brain trust tells you, he was deemed to have the talents to succeed in the NFL. We then gave him a terrible roster combined with a coaching staff in over their heads. So, here we are with a staff with a plan and the ability to work to maximize Bryce. I also like to root for Panthers players, especially when they are great people. It kinda goes with the fandom thing.

  3. I am excited! New coaching staff that has a plan and vision and finally the whole team/front office seems to be moving in lockstep. We got 2 new WRs. One in XL a rookie who looks like a beast and the other in DJ who is an absolute weapon. Excited to see Brooks and Sanders ( TE ). We got some Oline help finally. Excited to see if BY9 is the guy ( I think so, but we'll see ). Defense gets a 2nd year and hopefully some help from offense and I believe Evero can coach them to be VERY good this year. ST should be interesting because kick offs are completley new.


    I was just thinking the other day I can't wait for preseason to start. Always signals the start of actual football for me. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Consensus.  Was the word they were peddling for Bryce.  Unanimous throughout the building is what they said.  Everyone, literally everyone was on board for Bryce.  Which is obviously complete horseshit.  But yeah I am like you, how can morgan, who has played ball all his life and it was his job to hurt people like bryce, look at him and say "damn he would make a fine qb to trade up for"?


    Ahhh I don't know about that either. I don't think it has to be one or the other. Consensus probably did happen but that doesn't literally mean there weren't varying opinions. It just means when it was all weighed together Young was the one. Like @Mage was saying QB is a crap shoot but Bryce Young was going top 3 at worst, that was known to everyone. Its still TBD if it works out with Young or not. We will all know by November. 

  5. 1 hour ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Person reported our board was Bryce AR then Stroud.   Fitt was fired but morgan remains.  Pretty pretty nuts if we are being honest 

    Meh, I like Dan Morgan and I don't claim to know what went on in the building. Someone working under someone doesn't mean they are exactly the same. I've replaced people and have done a better job even though they taught me and brought me up in the role/org. 

    Plus how awesome as a fan to have a legend LB turn GM and take the team where it needs to be. 

    Not that it matters, I wanted AR #1 and remember there were people in the building that really wanted him. 


    This next part is all conjecture on my part : I remember last year Steve Smith talking about people in the building wanted AR and something about how/what he said made me think it was Dan Morgan. I tried to find the clip real quick on Youtube but no luck. Once again, complete conjecture on my part LOL. 


  6. 9 minutes ago, Mage said:

    I literally said in my other post that we still deserve criticism, so what are you talking about?  Do you even know what my initial post was about?  Never once did I say it was okay to draft a bust because other teams draft busts.

    Mods, feel free to put me in my place if I'm going too far.  But it needs to be said.

    Some of you need to start reading posts in full instead of making it ALL about Bryce every single damn time.  Ultimately my point was that drafting QBs is hard, and if it wasn't the Panthers mistake, it would have been another teams.  Just like Trey Lance, just like Mac Jones, just like Blake Bortles, just like Blaine Gabbert,... I can go on and on.  

    Yes, Panthers screwed up (assuming Bryce doesn't improve).  Yes, we should be criticized.  But it happens.  The guy asked how it happens and I was just answering his question.  That teams miss on QBs every year, because getting a QB is hard and teams will take every opportunity they can to get one. 

    But I'm not about to sit and discuss this with someone who thinks Levis even had .001% chance of going ahead of Bryce.  That tells me all I need to know.  No reasonable person would even throw him in the discussion.

    People seem to forget that. It was Young vs Stroud. Very few people were thinking Richardson could or even should be in play. I think we were linked to Levis early in the process, probably more early process due diligence more then anything, but once they made the move from #9 that stopped. 



  7. 2 hours ago, KSpan said:

    As an honest question here, what level of performance "proves the doubters wrong"? Guy was the #1 overall pick and came at a tall price. I fully expect him to achieve Bridgewater-like numbers and eventually be at that level of player, but that sure doesn't justify the #1 overall and doesn't prove anyone wrong. Are we talking something like consistent years of top 10 QB play as the threshold for "proving the doubters wrong"?


    Bro people here act like he isn't even fit to be in the NFL. I think he will show he is a franchise QB, take that for what its worth. Don't really care what you think he will achieve, you like all the other posters here including me don't actually know fug about poo or poo about fug when it comes to what Bryce can and can't do and how to evaluate and train a QB. No matter how much we like to think so. 

  8. Just to point out : Canales has said that he does this with every QB he has ever worked with. He starts them from the very basics again and works up. He has a plan he sticks to when working with QBs, he mentioned how he will be doing the same with with Dalton. 

    It also sounds like that approach is kind of used for everything. He seems to start basic and small and has a plan to build upon that week over week. If anyone has time to listen to his OTA press conference after the first day he talks about his process in the scope of building out the offense. Interesting stuff. 

  9. 57 minutes ago, CPF4LIFE said:

    I mean truthfully thats not out the question, its already be stated most elite Qbs dont need everything to be great around them to succeed. Let say hypothetically XL lives up to the hype, Sanders shows why he was top TE in draft, Brooks becomes one of the best RBs in the league and the O line is top 5 based off all the money spent. That could be good enough to get you to a Superbowl without needing a QB to carry the team. Plus its already been said we will be a run heavy team so they are trying to take as much pressure off bryce as possible not give him way more responsibility. That clearly didnt work out to well last year and led to another staff overhaul. As of right now, relying on Bryce could cost people their jobs so its understandable if the coaches and other players are the catalyst for any success.

    I mean what team doesn't surround their QB with talent?

    Mahomes has had very good WRs his whole career as well as RBs and a HOF TE. Only last year was he without a true #1 and it was evident. They even went out and got a WR in round 1 this year. Is that not getting him talent? They also have had an amazing defense which doesn't hurt a QB. Baltimore has done everything they can to get Lamar Jackson WRs.  He already has a great TE in Andrews and they got studs at the RB position like 4 deep. The Bengals didn't draft Joe Burrow and leave him WRless, the followed up with Ja'marr Chase. If the only example anyone can pull is Mahomes, who is already in the argument of being an all time QB, I don't really think that reflects negatively on Young. I guess you could look at the Rams as an exception. Being able to get guys who are producing like they were drafted in the first round shows they have something special between scouting and scheme. 


    Now do you think Bryce will succeed by surrounding him with talent? That is up to you. But don't take anything away from him because the team gives him weapons and protection? The two things any QB in the NFL needs to operate? 

    • Pie 1
  10. On 5/13/2024 at 9:42 AM, TheSpecialJuan said:


    Super interesting!  The talk of the different variables and even taking into account being an underdog is cool. Also I like the attitude/approach of if we are going to play 4 downs we need to actually play it as 4 downs and not have 4th down be a desperation play. You can use 3rd down to setup for it, but it has to be intentional. 

    For me one big thing I pulled from this is teams are better are getting 1st downs now then scoring TDs and all games go "under" even Mahomes and Lamar. Possessions are even more valuable then before and you are mostly going to have to drive down the field to score and not try and rely on big hitters. So really seems to be a shift to this short/mid passing game because that is what defenses mostly give you. 


    I also like his mentality on football also being football and things like momentum and edge are real. Hopefully that can help strike a nice balance between analytics and coaching moving forward. 

    • Pie 1
  11. I do think its laughable that people want Bryce to lift weights like

    A) he isn't but his goal is not to get jacked

    B) Unless you expect him to pack on 50 LBs of muscle I don't really see the point. Arm strength/velocity has a lot to do with range of motion and flexibility in your shoulder. Basically creating torque. After that mechanics of transferring that energy and then its pure strength after that. He proved his durability, don't need to get bigger for that. MAYBE gain some weight to help get out of tackle but that should be lower on his list of priorities. 

    • Pie 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, WUnderhill said:

    I get it a bit during the season and during games. Last season was frustrating as hell to watch and several games I just turned off at the half. It was pretty easy, when it was not enjoyable, I simply did something else. Usually I still tuned in for the start hoping that some magical change happened between games, but when it became clear that nothing changed, I just did something else. Same thing with a lot of Rhule’s tenure. I will never understand the Debbie downer excitement police in an off season such as this when nobody has any clue how these moves will all turn out. Legette could be the next Randy Moss or the next Keary Colbert. Nobody has any clue. But it is much more enjoyable to look at the ways in which he can be great, than to try to depress myself by making him a failure in my head already.

    “Guyz hold on we haven’t been good so you should be sad and depressed and never have optimism”

    ”Guyz guyz we can’t make fun of the Falcons because I don’t like our QB”

    I don’t think these people get invited to parties.



    I doubt they do. These are the people who post things like " I was banging the table for CJ Stroud ". Bro the only person who can hear you banging the table is your wife and she don't care. Dan Morgan can't hear you. 


    I'm also 100% on board with how you feel. This last season was probably the first where I didn't finish games and towards the end of the season even watch them This is as simple as it should be : I haven't let the Panthers ruin my day or change my attitude negatively since like 2010. I watch the games and root for them, I look at the upside in all FA and draft picks and I pull for the entire team through the season. Wash and repeat every season. Its great. 

    • Pie 2
  13. 16 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    If it’s out of my control why would I make a big deal? It’s a football team that’s made for entertainment. If it ever becomes a big deal when they are bad I can simply find other things to occupy my free time. Life is too short. 

    Add to that the fact that we have no control as fans. Like how upset could I possibly get? 


    Side note : it took my some time to get here, when I was younger I used to get dang heated over these Panthers. 


    On topic : I think XL is going to be the real deal. Will go down as one of the best two WRs of this draft when it is all said and done.

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