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  1. 100% with it. Diontae is a weapon. Its going to be a baller year for him and I hope we extend him after.
  2. I don't think he knew he was supposed to speak LOL A player that helped cement my fandom back in the day. Rooting for him!
  3. I'd rather let XL develop and resign Johnson ( Who I think is about to go off ).
  4. Im hoping that at the end of the season we can say two things about the pass rush : 1 - Clowney balled out 2 - We solidified our rotational pieces and now we just need the stud to take it over the top. Hopefully Chaisson can be that rotational piece where we can feel good having him on the roster for a decent price for the next few years.
  5. They can have him. They don't seem to learn from us LOL.
  6. 6'5" 245 LBs man bigger then 5'9" 190 LBs man. S H O C K I N G on our next update you won't believe : Fire is hot, ice is cold!!!!
  7. Soccer so boring but as parents more and more decide to not have kids play football it will continue to grow more popular. I always thought if they shrunk the field it would be MUCH more popular in the States.
  8. If only Tepper stayed out of the way and let Reich take Stroud over Young....this never would have happened.
  9. The "don't unc me while I'm still uncing mofos" part hit me in my soul lol
  10. I agree with what sounds like the majority here. Let him play out this season and take it from there. I'd like to have him long term. Him and XL could make for a dangerous duo for the next 4-5 years ( hopefully ). I think having Tillis will keep us out of cap trouble if they sign him, tag him or let him go.
  11. Okay, I'm sure if it was your daughter or wife he was harrasing you'd be completley fine with it. They probably just making it up anyways right?
  12. Because anyway you slice it, he was going top 3. So no matter what the huddle brain trust tells you, he was deemed to have the talents to succeed in the NFL. We then gave him a terrible roster combined with a coaching staff in over their heads. So, here we are with a staff with a plan and the ability to work to maximize Bryce. I also like to root for Panthers players, especially when they are great people. It kinda goes with the fandom thing.
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