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Posts posted by frankw

  1. There are certainly things to like. If Canales is indeed the right hire at the right time that will go a long way in restoring the competitiveness at minimum.

    But. We also have to be able to draft worth a damn. That's the variable we're on pins and needles waiting to see how it plays out. Morgan needs to HIT in this draft or the coach doesn't matter.

    I'll be ready to pop the champagne in the fall after I've seen enough results to feel comfortable.

  2. 33 minutes ago, MillionDollarCam said:

    Every guy accumulates mass different and Bryce isn’t a big guy to begin with, it may take some time. Not to mention, he’s not like Cam, he doesn’t post his workouts on social media.

    As for gaining muscle, maybe it helps him with his arm strength but that’s about it. And we all (myself included) should know by now that arm strength isn’t everything. If it was then Zach Wilson and Malik Willis would be franchise QB’s.

    Personally, I’m much more interested in seeing Bryce develop his accuracy, footwork, and decision making over adding a couple extra yards to his deep ball right now.

    Bryce was broken last year: physically, mentally, emotionally, I’m just glad to see the kid smiling right now. I personally like the Canales hire so I’ll trust that he’s got a good plan for Bryce until proven otherwise. And no, it’s not a blind hope because I didn’t like the Young pick to begin with and I hated the Reich hire.

    As for the durability factor. I pointed out earlier that only two QB’s suffered injuries that weren’t lower body, hand, or concussion related last year. Those two QB’s were Richardson and Watson, both suffering shoulder injuries, and both much more of a physical specimen than Bryce. From a statistical stand point, I don’t see how getting jacked is going to make Bryce more durable, which was the original argument.

    We don't need him to be Cam. But we do need him to be more open as the top pick. The social media age in relation to sports is is all about visibility.

    Certainly people are different and have different frames. I would have to differ from you on downplaying the significance of adding muscle however.

    Now certainly we can get into the weeds on the discussion of physically gifted QB's going on to becoming busts. There are many many of them. The unfortunate conundrum for that in relation to Bryce Young is he does not have that built in physical advantage with which to compensate other lacking areas. He is an outlier among outliers in terms of his physical attributes. He is going to have to go the extra mile and frankly a few more after that minimum if he is going to become a franchise QB let alone an elite QB for several years.

    I thought we were mostly over the durability discussion. It's not that big of a concern. Injuries can and will happen to any QB. Although. Again. We must acknowledge size wise he is very rare. He is the smallest starting QB in the league isn't he? With the right OL additions this is not something to be super concerned about generally. But it's going to remain a source of discussion particularly from other fans and teams as the season unfolds. People are going to point out how small he looks out there whether we like it or not. We knew we were going to hear about this for a long time when we made the decision to select him first overall. Just have to live with it.

  3. 1 minute ago, ForJimmy said:

    He does kind of look like Stroud from that angle. Which, I’d be all for him working out with Stroud as well. Pick his brain some  

    Anyone trying to run someone off for a difference of opinion has issues. Different opinions are what keeps people engaged and debating on here. I think people get annoyed if it’s the same opinion over and over on every thread. That borderlines the “trolling” type @MillionDollarCam was referring too IMO.

    Be honest if Young was posting him throwing with his WRs on social it would just be a “fluff piece” or “PR stunt” as I believe you called it from last offseason. Personally I don’t care if it’s public or more private as long as he is trying to better himself and the team. I hope he gets to where he needs to be for us to find success. If not we simply move on. 

    I'd be all for that.

    Absolutely some of this has gotten beyond redundant. But it's all we have right now. When you make a move like we did to pick someone first overall all roads will always lead back to them until the team starts winning something anything.

    Honestly not at all. I would be thrilled to see that from him directly. Some of the stuff from the team is fluff we can argue about it but we know it's true. If BY gave fans an in depth look into his process on his own not just from the team that would eliminate a lot of this repeat discussion. But I guess that's not him. He's doing things the way he always has. Maybe that's fine and will work out I don't know I can't say. On the other hand some could reasonably argue due to the historical significance of his rookie season for the wrong reasons he should have given consideration to shaking up his approach to these matters. Not doing so leaves doors open to criticisms for the time being. People don't have to like it but that comes with the territory of becoming the face of a franchise.

  4. Just now, MillionDollarCam said:

    Agree here, but there’s two sides to every coin.

    This whole topic started because of people nitpicking Bryce’s size and claiming that getting jacked will increase his durability which is a bunch of bullshit.

    Does Bryce need to develop better accuracy, 100%. Does Bryce need better footwork, absolutely. Does Bryce need to make better decisions, you bet.

    But at the end of the day (shout-out Matt Rhule), he does need help. It’s a football team so the team as a whole (OL, WR’s, TE’s) needs to be better.

    This board has five personalities:

    - Eternal optimists

    - Eternal pessimists

    - Trolls

    - Actual idiots

    - Handful of intelligent people


    You have to know who you are responding to before even wasting the time to formulate an opinion on whatever topic is being discussed.

    Thanks for the reasonable input.

    And just to be clear. I can say for myself I've never expected the guy to get "ripped" or "jacked" in one offseason like some Christian McCaffrey level poo. I have not seen anyone else suggest that either. Adding at least a minimal level of muscle and weight isn't an unfathomable expectation for a top pick. Even our previous GM spoke about this. He's been canned. All the more reason for our franchise player to want to show he can do this.

    I wouldn't even say it's about durability. No one can really even question that. That's one thing we can say is he seemed to be pretty tough phsyically in terms of taking punishment within the pocket. It's about arm strength and doing anything possible to increase that. There were times last season where even with time and the oline wasn't a pile of crap he just wouldn't or couldn't attempt certain throws. We cannot repeat that in 2024. Defenses are already going to be looking for it. They have the tape.

    But I agree and most others do as well the offense was lacking in several areas besides just QB last year. Anyone with eyes could see that.

    However we did just shell out over 100 million dollars to address a significant portion of that lacking part of our offense. All the more reason for Bryce Young to look like he's at least touched a few weights.


    • Pie 2
    • Beer 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    It's far from the truth, but that's been your thing lately. 

    That's not Stroud...  It's ISM who is young WR on his roster.  Working out with him and training with him.  Just another one I came across on social.  The previous one had Mingo and you shot it down too. 

    It's fair to reasonably question his ability, but he is trying to make it work IMO.  Whether it does or not shall be seen.

    From that angle he is a near doppelganger for him. My mistake.

    You say I'm not about truth. Yet you and others want to run off some of the few fans of this team that are left after the last several years of losing consistently because they don't subscribe to your way of thinking.

    We shouldn't be relegated to trying to spot this or that player in one or two random IG stories.

    Bryce Young is the franchise. Get in there and use your platform to let the people of your city know what you are doing to bring some wins and some level any level of respect back for the team around league circles. If you feel that is too much to ask we will have to agree to disagree.

    • Beer 1
  6. You can't not be impressed with Canales so far. He has the energy and charisma in spades and he knows his stuff about the ins and outs of the game.

    Of course what we need to know is how he coaches on GameDays. That's only where it really matters.

    He has a tough job ahead of him. But if he can bring back a culture here that is not about accepting losing that's a start.

    • Pie 7
    • Beer 1
  7. 1 minute ago, ForJimmy said:

    Let’s not bring politics into this discussion. That belongs in the Tinderbox. I know you want to put people in certain corners because they might have a different opinion than yours but try to keep that mess out of here please. 

    On a side note here is another “PR stunt” of Bryce working with ISM this offseason. 

    You know it's spot on.

    That's it? One pic on a treadmill one of him hanging out with Stroud and one working with an unknown coach?

    I'd like to see him trying to take Mingo under his wing considering they were drafted together and will grow together if this situation is somehow to be salvaged.

    • Beer 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Aussie Tank said:

    You sad bunch see yourselves out when Bryce leads us to the promise land 

    It's weird this is the end game for some of you. Like it's either you are totally in blind support or you're a traitor or something. Hey. That sounds a bit like the followers of a certain political candidate.

    Luckily it doesn't work that way. Generally players who are highly touted and drafted high especially at QB and first overall prove on the field why they were drafted there. Bryce Young has already received his early flowers before he even had to play a single snap in the NFL thanks to the hype from the media and Panthers fans here who bought it and jumped in head first. Some of you don't want him to face adversity or criticism for some reason. That's your prerogative but not how it's going to work for him. You can shout into the void at people you perceive to be critical of him as much as you'd like. He still has 17 matchups later this year with defenses who unlike some of you here won't be watching his 2023 gametape and thinking to themselves how bad they feel for him.

  9. 11 hours ago, MasterAwesome said:

    Remember when you claimed Bryce never worked privately with his receivers last offseason? Then when you were presented with an article and photos showing just that, you called it a fake photo op? Remember continuously suggesting that Bryce is shorter than his official height taken at the Combine? Remember the report that came out about Nicole Tepper wanting Stroud and you saying that was BS that the team leaked so Nicole Tepper could save face?

    Most of what we discuss in here is opinion-based, but those are three empirical evidence-based examples that your conspiracy-brain has rejected based on nothing but your feelings…so I think you’ve forfeited your right to invoke “reality”, buddy. Unless we’re just operating in two different dimensions of the Multiverse. But if we’re actually acknowledging reality, you’ve taken coping to new heights. I’ve genuinely never seen anyone work so hard trying to gaslight people into believing that any report you disagree with is automatically fake.

    If one single workout session that was plastered all over social media well before training camp is your definition of your #1 pick digging deep to connect with his receivers and his teammates in general after hyping him up as Payton Manning on the leadership scale I guess more power to you.

    Some of us actually want to see it on the field. Results there said the guy looked like he had barely uttered two words to them outside of team activities.

    You don't like that being acknowledged. Too bad.

  10. 1 minute ago, csx said:

    the sweeping anlaysis being made from 2 second twitter clip is funny poo

    You think it's funny but the rest of us remember folks like you looking down on others telling people it's only preseason last year.

    Keep thinking you're so above it all though.

    • Beer 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, Panthercougar68 said:

    But we also beat the Texans when Frank wasn’t calling plays

    just saying.

    Didn't we proceed to play some of our worst football of the season following that game including one where our top pick threw two gut wrenching pick sixes to the same defender?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Panthercougar68 said:

    Is that Bryce or the system? Did better when Reich was gone. You can have fun with rookie numbers when they play more than 8 games like a lot of rookie QBs.

    We got substantially worse and even ended up being shut out by the Jags missing their starting QB post Reich.

    Just saying.

    • Pie 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, csx said:

    Now you are just bored and trying way too hard


    4 minutes ago, Panthercougar68 said:

    But is it the truth?

    6 yards per pass attempt in 2019 compared to Bryce Young at 5.5 and 62% completion to Bryce Young's 59.8

    Doesn't seem that far off sadly.

  14. Just now, AceBoogie said:

    He was an MVP in year 1? Don’t make me do the thing where I have to state the fact that Cam walked into an offense with two established RBs, a hall of fame WR, and two very good TEs. Combine that with the fact that he’s Cam Newton yea things looked a little differently his rookie year. 

    He received ROTY honors. He looked like he belonged at every level even before Auburn.

    You're diminishing him to prop up BY.

    • Beer 1
  15. 1 minute ago, AceBoogie said:

    It’s not about an offseason program. It’s not about weight. It ain’t even about height. People here are miserable. Cam was one of the biggest mfs to ever play the position and they found things to bitch about with him too. 

    Cam was a fuging MVP lol

    Bryce Young put up one of the worst rookie season statlines ever.

    It's flat out disrespect to draw comparisons.

    • Beer 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, CPF4LIFE said:

    The same people in here defending bryce told us a year ago around this time he would add muscle and weight when he was able to start an off season program now thats irrelevant when the time has come. Not surprising lol

    Scott Fitterer said this practically verbatim before the draft to justify the selection.

    But now it's apparently a wholly unreasonable and absurd expectation.

    The level of coddling is worse than with Darnold. And that's saying something.

    • Pie 1
  17. 13 minutes ago, Panthercougar68 said:

    Is there no middle ground where you can say Bryce has some aspects of gameplay to improve on but at the same time saying that expecting him to come Into the season at 210lbs is stupid?

    If you check my post history you'll see that over the last few months I was hopeful he could at least turn the corner into a decent starter for the time being. But the early returns I'm seeing after hearing his "advisors" rejoicing on his behalf for what we spent on the OL after gutting the defense does not look any different than the same guy who hid at the combine when the lights were bright. I'm not going to bury my head in the sand on that.


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