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  1. Have I told you or AceBoogie or anyone to "stfu" for voicing an opinion? Honest question. I guess you simply conveniently missed that post btw. Enough with this blaming others for every Bryce thread mess. I've made zero Bryce threads. I left yesterday and come back this morning and there are two different Bryce threads at the top of the first page going strong with replies. This isn't going anywhere with or without me. People here are grown and choose to create these threads read these threads and engage. If you don't want to deal with any of this then log out or stop refreshing threads. Maybe I'll take a hiatus until the season opener on Sept 8th. What do you think the over/under will be on the number of new Bryce Young threads and unrelated threads derailed into Bryce Young threads will be in my absence? Let's give it a go.
  2. New year? Fresh perspective? You gave up on him. You threw in the towel. Yet now you want to be the first and official word on how to root for him and the Panthers? There's a word for this. Clownery.
  3. I do not pretend to be infallible or without flaws. I've been wrong on things over the years. We all have. Realistically most of what's been said here and on other Panthers fans social media platforms between the months of May and September for the last several years amounts to little more than spam. People drew lines in the sand over contentious takes on Bridgewater too. To the point of being asked if some people are really a Panthers fan over it. There will be reactionary spam during the season too particularly on gamedays. I've been reading these discussions on the huddle for 20 years. It's the same stuff rehashed the only thing that changes are the names in the front office the coaching staff and the roster. Some fans might be best served to stick to the official team social feeds if they are burned out on all this. Nothing wrong with that either. Different strokes for different folks. We're all human. As for the huddle. Honestly most of us post here out of habit. It's a habit hard to break. No different than the majority of the population that can't stop scrolling Facebook or X. Basically.....
  4. Many of those posters are still around. The ones who compared him to hall of famers in this and other sports. They're just biding their time waiting to see if Bryce will suddenly turn into a great QB. I think the way you frame it indicates the problem. It's either on one side people who as you put it "don't like him" (in most instances impossible to truly know on an anonymous chat board) or people who need to see him with stacked talent to form a conclusion after hyping up as a one man show a year ago. You say there are discussions to be had but if it involves anything remotely on the side of negative instead of the "everything is awesome" end of the spectrum it is met with talk of what some are now describing as a pathological need to be critical of him. As if the rest of the sports world doesn't have these same blunt discussions whenever he is mentioned. If there were truly other more notable discussions to be had right now that haven't also been discussed endlessly we would be having them. We just had yet another uniform thread. Instead the top 2 threads dominating the front page for the last 24 hours since the first blueprint episodes dropped have revolved around the starting QB. That's just the modern NFL. Some people want to shoot the messenger over that because they don't like the banter that follows
  5. I think the people who contort themselves into a pretzel to act like the whole world is against Bryce just can't reconcile with the fact that none of this is any different than the discussions Panthers fans have had over any of the other failed QB's the last 5 years. Of course the *on field* difference is we didn't bottom out completely with any of those QB's. Appreciate your kind words.
  6. The issue is he wasn't just bad. He was historically bad. So yes if the Panthers put up a new blueprint video and conclude the first episode with footage of the same QB hopping in the air to heave a basic pass in OTA's in shorts after doing so throughout the trainwreck that was the 2023 season after hiring a coach specifically to "fix" him yes it's going to derail that thread.
  7. Sounds like liquor logic to me. Interesting_Professional_Alcoholic-Reddit-qtqp9v5xauw81-fallback+dash-audio_0_131639.mp4
  8. He was very mistakenly trying to appease Russell Wilson. They both got what they deserved. The only one in that I felt remotely bad for was Marshawn Lynch. Without him they don't make either title run. He was the engine of that team.
  9. It's amusing that people take the time to login here and wonder aloud why anyone is discussing the starting QB we traded the farm to acquire in a thread about a Panthers behind the scenes series called Panthers "blueprint". There is no blueprint without a franchise QB. Yes he is and will remain a focal point in any and all discussions.
  10. There have been fluff pieces every year the last 5 years and we've only gotten increasingly worse. Folks who enjoy this stuff should be and are welcome to consume it and have the right to voice their approval. Others that have begun to tire of the same song and dance and want to see the results in games also have the right to express that. Until we see any meaningful and impactful quantifiable results in actual games this is how it is going to go for the next few months. We are at this point due to ownership. People are just going to have to grit their teeth and wade through it for the time being.
  11. Oh pantherclaw....... Sir. You yourself began this interaction with the following remark. Now you have dedicated the bulk of a long winded post to as you put it "telling you how you think" and calling me stupid for doing so. Being above average is the absolute floor for what I expect to see from him this season just an FYI. Indeed we do want the same things. I'm not better than you and vice versa. We are Panther fans. That's it. How about we just agree to disagree and call it a day? Good talk.
  12. There is absolutely no love lost for me regarding the Seattle Seahawks. But if Pete Carrol is saying things like this about Canales I will certainly listen and put some stock in it. I'd love to see Dave have a coaching run here like Pete has had. No matter how I may feel about their franchise more often than not he generally always had them competing hard regardless of circumstances.
  13. Since when is force feeding AT in the league's worst offense an accomplishment? You do know he was ranked 101 in Avg yards per catch right? Jonathan Mingo was 103. What's the common denominator here?
  14. For me it's not dead last although it isn't far off realistically. I like a lot of the moves that have been made and I think so long as Morgan can draft well and Canales is holding down his end of the bargain in coaching on gamedays and keeping us ahead of the curve compared to the dinosaur head coaches of yesteryear we should be able to at least compete. What pulls down the optimism is the fact that we gave #9 absolutely zero push in the QB room. I really would have liked to see us take a flier on a QB with one of our late round picks. It remains to be seen if coddling Bryce will pay off but we do not seem to be learning any lessons in that area after the last several years that has been a revolving door at QB. Still. Despite what others might mistakenly insinuate I do have some hope. It will be even higher if we look good in preseason. Until then for me the rollercoaster that is life as a Carolina Panthers fan rolls on.
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