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Mr Mojo Risin

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Posts posted by Mr Mojo Risin

  1. 5 hours ago, CPF4LIFE said:

    Well you might want to go back and check some threads after the draft because thats exactly what it was on here. A lot of people on here claimed he was already the best qb in the division, of course any smart person saw the narratives changing the closer we got to the season. But the main thing was bryce was the most pro ready, hell even generational,  and coming into a better situation then the other rookie qbs and most rookie qbs in nfl history. Now that aint the case no more apparently, it changed real fast. 

    He is in a good situation just not a perfect situation. Even if he is the most "pro ready" That doesn't mean he's going to come into the NFL and throw for 300 yards and 3 TDs. That means he's the most mentally equipped to handle the NFL game which means making mistakes and learning from them to grow into a good QB. Most rookies struggle their first year. They make bad mistakes, they are learning on the job. That kind of thing is going to happen unless you're Pat Mahomes which is more of an exception not the rule. Regardless logic isn't going to stop people from freaking out and having melt downs during Year 1 of the Young/Reich Era. Remember we only won 6 games in Cams rookie season and he had one of the best rookie seasons for a QB in NFL history. Just gotta give Young some time to grow. There are going to be a lot of ups and downs this year

  2. 1 hour ago, PleaseCutStewart said:

    Probably one of the more well informed posts I've seen so far in the past week. the amount of s*** I have gotten over saying Bryce did not look good last week is just annoying.

    Yes, I know our receivers suck, but the same can be said for roughly half the teams in the NFL. Look at the bums Mahomes threw yoy on Thursday

    Using Mahomes as the example in which you are holding our 22 year old rookie QB too might have been why you've been getting so much s*** lately. A lot of you guys need to go read that QB Debut thread and read through some of the names and stats of the those players in their first games. I'm sure I could find a dozen more who struggled. Not every team situation is the same, our entire team underwent heavy scheme and personnel changes. Bryce is not an uber athletically gifted QB so he doesn't have that to rely on when the play breaks down. Anyone who thought he was going to come in and start carving up NFL secondaries was just fooling yourselves. Just need to relax and let the kid play. If he works hard at his craft which I think he will he is going to be just fine. Gotta give him some time to learn though.

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  3. We aren't the niners where we can plug essentially an UDFA in at QB and have him do well. We don't have that type of team or structure yet.

    Bryce will be good depending on how hard he works at his craft. He's going to take some lumps. He's going to make mistakes. He will lose games. And most of all he will not be perfect but that doesn't mean he won't eventually be a really good player capable of taking this team deep into the playoffs. He definitely can be and I think he will eventually get there. He just needs time and to continue to work at it.

  4. 36 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    JK Dobbins tore his achilles... it was announced during the game, but so was Horn's injury. What are you looking for exactly?

    Steelers shared today that Heyward had a groin injury and is expected to miss weeks. i am sure once we know the severity of the hammy ... we will get a timeline. Groins are far worse than hammies, it was probably easy for them to share that, but they didnt give a specific timeline  



    You can read through this list and see how many injuries there were and how many of them were announced and had at least some news to offer. Ours is the only one "still being evaluated" and it seems like that is always the case

  5. 27 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    It's because they dont have to today... I believe tomorrow they have to though

    It's just weird to see other teams report their injuries especially when significant versus p**** footing around it like our organization does

  6. So still no update on the severity of the injury?...why does it seem like our team takes so long to report these things where other teams provide updates almost right away? Does this mean it's not a severe injury?

  7. All of you guys saying we need to find a WR would be singing a different tune had Young hit Mingo on that 99 yard TD. This is why casual NFL fans aren't GMs. It takes more than 1 game to develop a young team and that's exactly what we have, a young team with brand new coaching schemes. It's going to be a bumpy ride with plenty of lows and hopefully enough highs for a solid season. No one is coming to save us so might as well strap in and enjoy the ride.

  8. 33 minutes ago, USDepartmentOfSavagery said:

    A lot of us are tired of reading your conjecture. Having 100,000 post doesn’t mean you’re right about anything. The coaching staff looked like what many of us thought. And Young was disappointing. You can look promising as a rookie QB. Today, he did not. 

    You're allowed an opinion just like Mr. Scot is. If you are tired of reading his posts why click on the thread? If you are tired of reading his posts why are you responding to them?

    I thought Young had some bright spots as well as some mistakes. There are concerns about his future and just how good he can be but no judgement should be passed on the dudes first real action in the NFL. It's disappointing to lose and only score 10 points but I will again say no other #1 overall pick has won their first game in the NFL in 21 years. Gotta have some patience.

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  9. Gotta stop overreacting after the first game of Young's career. How many years has Burrow been in the NFL? Their offense played worse than ours did today. They didn't even score a TD. Manning threw 28 INTs his rookie year does that mean he was frail and couldn't read a defense? Lol I know im preaching to the choir and the people on this message board will continue to whine and cry like grade school children because our rookie QB didn't throw for 400 yards and 3 TDs while our defense pitches a shutout in the first game. And we magically snap a 21 year NFL streak of the #1 overall pick losing their first game of their career.

    But by all means continue its entertaining to me I usually get a pretty good laugh at the hot takes and overreactions you people come up with. Grade A comedy

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  10. 6 hours ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    The 1st game of the season vs a non contender will tell us were we stand?


    Im thinking by week 4 we know for sure where we stand as a team. Never judge a team off 1 game.

    The problem we had this preseason was sustaining drives and having 1/2 people miss their assignment and ruin the play. How often that happens in week one will matter a lot. How fluid do we look? How comfortable will Bryce be? Will he make panic decisions? Is our defense playing fast or do they look slow? There's a lot we will get to see from this team week one besides a win or loss

  11. 31 minutes ago, CRA said:

    I'm a Burns fan. 

    I'm not a fan of our GM doing dumb stuff.  Hopefully Fitt gets him signed to a reasonable deal.  And if he doesn't?  I won't have an issue with Burns.  I'll have an issue with the front office. 

    I feel like taking that deal for Burns only works out if we're committing to a full scale rebuild which we aren't. 3 picks in 3 separate drafts we wouldn't have been able to replace Burns this year with that. And while we wait for year 2 or 3 of the rebuild we are also wasting the years and rookie contracts of Derrick Brown, Jaycee Horn, Chinn, and even Young. whereas with Burns it gives us a more complete defense. Hopefully a top 10 at worst top 15 unit this year (hopefully). Next year when we have even more ammunition we could see a nice 3-5 year window with this core of players and hopefully have a Seahawks LoB/Russell Wilson type team if it all works out.

  12. Smith should have went 1st ballot. The WRs that got in before him had worse numbers (or close to the same) and played with better QBs. Absolutely criminal. 5 9 185 lbs. Small market 3rd round pick drafted as a STer earned everything in his career. Over 1,000 receptions Amost 15,000 receiving yards and a triple crown winner. If that's not worthy of 1st ballot I'm not sure what is. I'm sure the reason he's not in isn't even performance related. They probably hold his personality/fights with his teammates against him

  13. 1 minute ago, Ricky Spanish said:

    My thoughts as well. He played like a backup QB. That's what he's here for. I trust him to win me 1 out of two games if the starter goes down. He's a known commodity and we brought him in more for what he can do to support Bryce, not start for us.

    Exactly reminds me a lot of what DA was for us. Not a world better by any means but solid enough to win a game or two in a pinch if we need him. If he's asked to play multiple games in a row then yea we're probably screwed.

    • Pie 2
  14. 6 minutes ago, top dawg said:

    I don't really get why people like what they saw from Dalton. He was terrible. He threw a hospital ball that could've gotten Shi killed. He threw a short pass to Thomas before Ian could get his head around. He threw a short pass to Thomas well behind the line in a ton of traffic that he should've thrown into the ground. And the worst thing that he did was basically telegraph an INT by making an awful decision. He did Andy Dalton things, similar to what he's done the past few years and why he has become a bounced-around journeyman. He's too experienced to be playing this sub par.

    It wasn't perfect by any means but he did drive the offense down the field into the redzone and while the INT wasn't good I feel like the defender just made a great play on the ball. He was lined up in man and was able to look into the back field at the top of the route and make the play. The play before that Dalton threw a really nice pass to Ian Thomas (who is so incredibly bad at catching the ball) a better TE probably catches that for a TD. It was also Daltons first action of the preseason so seeing him get a solid drive in is mostly what I was referring too. If he completes one of those balls for a TD we probably aren't having this conversation

    • Pie 4
  15. 8 hours ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    I think it’s really weird how 3 preseason games has completely flipped how people think of a guy who was getting praised for the majority of last season. 

    Granted, I wasn’t on this board until this off-season so this might be a normal thing on here or maybe he was questioned more on this board but…..yeah. The way perspectives have flipped on players and just the overreactions to stuff in general these past few weeks have been really weird to watch. 

    Welcome to the Carolina Huddle. Do yourself a favor and NEVER read a gameday thread the day after. The people here don't use logic to reason. They are extremely emotional posters and it's very weird.

    • Pie 3
  16. 5 hours ago, scratched said:

    I've not said anything about QB play specifically. I don't think QB has been the issue. I clearly said I believe we should have shored up some other positions before drafting QB. We didn't even get a chance to see what Corral was. And truly, he hasn't been that bad this camp. 

    There's a reason fans don't belong in front offices of NFL teams. This quote pretty much proves that

  17. 3 hours ago, TheMaulClaw said:

    A Steve Wilks, AR, Foreman combo sounds so much better then a Reich, Young, Sanders combo

    Yea...Wilks is going to groom and develop AR into a franchise QB...lol. The amount of nonsense I read on this board is crazy. How many athletic QBs are drafted into the NFL and provide glimpses of shock and awe through their playstyles? And how many of those QBs fizzle and flame out? AR would be on a worse trajectory than Trey Lance if he was drafted here with Wilks

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