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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. I have watched every down this year. The thing that worries me is I haven’t seen him make any amazing plays. Usually you have a couple moments throughout a rookies 1st year that give you some hope. I haven’t seen anything yet. I had and still have a gut feeling this pick is not going to work. I hope I am wrong. Trying to stay positive as if this doesn’t work out, we are screwed for many more years.
  2. I know. I was shocked when the email came through that I have an offer. It was for less than the asking price but I figured I better take it while I can. I am no salesman. I am always saying that if I was in sales, my family would be on the street. Maybe just some luck coming my way.
  3. I just accepted an offer on my PSL's this morning. I have had enough and I don't have hope for the future. There are some great franchises out there and with Tepper running the show, I don't think they will be competitive anytime soon. I will find something else to spend my $$ on besides the Panthers. If for some reason, the sale doesn't go through, I don't plan on renewing my seats next year. Does anyone know what will happen if I don't pay for the tickets next year? Seats are in the 500 level.
  4. Some good news for a Monday. I have an offer on my PSL's and I have accepted. When Wilkes took over the team last year and they started being competitive, I got excited again for Panther Football. After they didn't give Wilkes the job, was fed BS all offseason how this team was going to be competitive and should have a chance at the division only to be the worst team in the NFL, I am done dragging myself to the games. I still hope they get this ship on course again, but I am done with season tickets.
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