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  1. appears Bucs waived him last month after a domestic abuse allegation
  2. He can lineup in camp and do what he is supposed to do on all the reps where some other WR that wasn't going to make the roster might not.
  3. nannerpuss was a primitive stupid bot and even nannerpuss would have been like, nah, not posting this.
  4. interesting. me? I could watch Bryce eat McDonald's and form an opinion about how he will operate on a 4th quarter drive week 4.
  5. I mean, a lot of football guys do poorly in those fluff environments. Lot of recent NFL coaches have come off horrible in their I just got hired pressers.
  6. I think Bryce is an uber talented kid and it really shows in shorts and in drills. Problem is simply when you put monster humans in front of him.
  7. I mean, if given the choice of some random Panther fan and Joe....I'm siding w/ the random Panther fan
  8. yeah, I just think it is run of the mill funny. Totally looks like he had no idea he was supposed to get on stage and do anything.
  9. I mean, Bryce Young and the Panthers O clearly got much worse the 2nd half of the season vs the 1st. I'm sure that's not just because of Bryce. But definitely part of it
  10. no way in heck do 35% of Panther fans think we can make the Super Bowl this year.
  11. XL better ask the coaches if he can run some 5 yard drag routes over the middle from the slot …..because Bryce ain’t throwing a lot of action downfield and to the outside
  12. yep, I think Morgan was basically a we can't get any of the dudes the search firm targeted and his Carolina connection makes him the best looking move (despite Morgan being a key player in the Fitterer team and the mess that was created) I think to an extent, Canales was a lesser version of that. I think a lot of the hot young coaches weren't looking to come here. People say well there are only 32 jobs so they will take anything. The Lions coach doesn't think like that. And Tepper is bringing HIGH odds that you basically coach for a year or 2 under him and immediately have your HC aspirations thrown into the dark ages after you get fired. Tepper has 2 pro sports teams and it simply can't be ignored what happens with all his coaches.
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