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Jon Snow

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Posts posted by Jon Snow

  1. IDGAF what they do honestly.  If they trade away the farm for Watson I sure hope it works out.  I'm not sure how much longer my fanship can hold out if this blows up in their face.  I'm about two more losing seasons away from giving up on football all together. They better get this right.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Let's say we don't get a true franchise quarterback this year but we do get somebody who's decent and an improvement over Bridgewater...

    Will that be enough to hold you until we can try again next year or in the near future?

    Or will it be torches and pitchforks time?

    FIRE HURNEY!!!!!!!

    Sorry, flashbacks. When you say torches and pitchforks I get tourette's.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Fox007 said:

    I've never had cheez whiz at all. What I've seen on the food network from whatever show it was had it on a laddle and it was looking like nacho cheese but I thought cheeze whiz was like in a tube poo lol so I don't know if there is actually a difference or what.


    Pretty much the same thing but not as good.

  4. 1 minute ago, Fox007 said:

    I don't claim to be an expert but the creatively named Philly's here where I am that has a lady from PA who uses white American and that's it she wont' even order anything else for the store so I unno what to make of that.

    She said she would only even consider provolone otherwise if she was the considering type.

    There is no accounting for taste my friend.  The concept was good but the execution failed.  That's why it's called a Cheese steak sub everywhere else, so people aren't reminded of that abomination in Philly.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Little Goody Two Shoes said:

    This is interesting in the same way as when you throw up and think, 'what the hell did I eat'. Did Marty really screw us over one last time by delaying our rebuild by a year?

    Pretty much.  It appears Tepper is giving Rhule a Mulligan on last seasons decisions.  But now that he's hired him a GM that has to be better than Marty by default the training wheels are off.

  6. 2 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    FS was (and has always been) on my "need to upgrade" list, that is for sure.

    We have needed safeties of some form or fashion ever since John Fox walked into the building.  Hopefully Rhule puts a higher value on them.

  7. 1 hour ago, Shocker said:

    GTFOH...Lawrence is the top QB in this draft and it is not even close.  Stop drinking the Kool aid on these other guys.

    He just doesn't like Sunshine man.  That's cool.  I respect that.  He's certainly a gamble even as talented as he is it's going to take more than just his abilities to prove he belongs in the league. 

    I honestly watch very little college football and couldn't tell you anything about a single player in this draft.  I've watched maybe two Clemson games only because that was what the local station chose to carry that particular Saturday.  And honestly I wasn't really "watching" those games.

    I personally have no emotional stake in any player they draft.  I enjoy watching these guys this board argue back and forth about their can't miss prospect that they have watched some YouTube highlights on and their years of scouting experience says this kid is going to be a star.

    I picked a hell of time to stop drinking.

    • Pie 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Been there, back when I was young stupid and horny.

    Lasted about eight months and cost me a lot of cash.

    My dumb ass managed to stumble upon two such women in my life.  Yes, I married them both and they both ended the same horrible undignified way.  It was worth every penny it cost me to get away from them.  

    But it was a hell of a ride while it lasted. 

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  9. 20 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Will someone make the Jaguars an offer they can't refuse?

    The most intriguing potential suitor for 2021 is the Panthers. Carolina holds the eighth overall pick. If they package that pick with several other selections in an effort to keep Lawrence in close to Clemson, will that be enough to get the Jaguars to pull the trigger?

    No, I don't buy that the Panthers will do this. It's pure speculation, but so was Newton's "bold prediction" and people went apesh-t over that.

    What we'd have to give up just to get to number two or number three would probably make me cringe. Can't imagine what it would take to get to number one.

    It has crossed my mind that with how hard they are going after a sure fire starting qb that the number pick would be on the table.  But the cost would be mind boggling.

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  10. 22 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I could live with giving up Donte but both Rhule and Fitterer have talked him up as part of the future.

    I'd say they think more of him than I do. And of course it's their call.

    I'm not so sure I would take what they say publicly about a player as a clear indication of what they truly think about that player.  Especially it meaning anything towards their future with the team.  It could be something as simple as talking up a player to increase his value potential to another team.  It is lying season in the NFL you know.


  11. 5 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    What if it's Brian Burns and Jeremy Chinn? Or Burns and Donte Jackson?

    The Texans are believed to want defensive starters in any potential trade.

    I would be able to stomach 2 1sts, Burns and Jackson in the trade.  Chinn is a deal breaker.

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