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Jon Snow

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About Jon Snow

  • Birthday 09/07/1961

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  1. I think they get roo hung up on looking for a "type" of player or one that fits wherever roles they want them to play instead of just taking the best player. They are always looking for what could be done instead of what can be done with what's available if that makes sense.
  2. Teams boards are nothing like these ranking or mocks. Most are basing theirs on teams perceived needs and nothing else. In the past the Panthers I've read ranked positions and players in those positions as they saw them. From there they tried to see who may be available around their picks. Their rankings hasn't worked out so well for them.
  3. I'm not so sure the talking heads have read this class correctly. The same guys that rank these guys turn around and mock them in a completely different order. Their top 10 are not drafted in the top 10. The only player ranked in the top 10 and projected to be taken in the top 10 is Graham. Everyone else is being overdrafted "according to them".
  4. The stupidity continues in BOA. I don't know why I still follow this team.
  5. Someone should have told him there's places out there that cater to every fetish you can imagine. Some things should be left to the professionals.
  6. I cannot pick who among them will make it either. My only prediction last year was the of all the qb's taken only 2 maybe 3 will have success. And even then it would greatly depend on the team and coaching around them. I still stand by that. But this year I'm struggling to see any of them being a first year starter much less being able to make it in the nfl. It's a bad year to need a qb.
  7. I think the qb run will start in round 2 if there is one. It will come down to who signs qb's in FA and who those qb's are. I just cannot see more than 2 go in the 1st round. The way I see it the value is just not there.
  8. I would take Dart over Sanders in a heartbeat. Maybe even before Ward. But there really isn't a 1st rounder among them. All of them will be overdrafted out of need.
  9. I tend to agree with Smitty on this class.
  10. I've gotten the impression that if it weren't for qb needy teams none of them would go in the first round.
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