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Jon Snow

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About Jon Snow

  • Birthday 09/07/1961

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  1. So? Unless this place is only for whining only then yes, I'm in the wrong place.
  2. We? Don't include me in that generalization.
  3. This guy took care of Zod.
  4. A generational player does not come around every year. They come around once in a decade, maybe two decades. So I do not agree about generational prospects. You cannot predict them, they rise to the top when the games are played.
  5. I doubt any of them will either. They could possibly be worked as the season progresses but who knows. Morgan definitely committed to improving the offensive side of the ball, but the results will not be immediately realized. It appears to me as a true commitment to rebuilding the team and not a half-assed attempt to win now. While winning is the goal I think they have finally admitted that this had to be done. To do it right it will take another offseason of good drafting and wise FA additions to set a foundation to build on. If successful, they will be able to eventually replace high priced FA'S with their own draft picks. But all of the hinges on drafting well going forward. Will the new guys they drafted work out? We won't know for a season or two with some of them. That's the cold hard reality. It's the result of years a bad draft and mismanagement from the FO.
  6. I personally don't take issue with draft position as long as the player has an impact on the team. Now using multiple draft picks on a player raises the stakes. Those types of decisions go in a GM's ledger and better balance out after the seasons over.
  7. I listened to all of it. I pretty much agree with everything that was discussed. As for their ceiling and floor predictions, I will wait until preseason is over before I weigh in on that discussion.
  8. I think he could give Forrest Gump a run for his money. Where's that coaches gif from that movie when you need it? The look in his face when he saw Gump run for the first time was classic.
  9. Brother I'm there with you. But don't let it get to you. It's just not worth it.
  10. Not one single person should be in favor of moving up ever again. I hope Tepper has learned his lesson. Let what happened to the Panthers, hell any team in recent memories, be a lesson in what happens when you sell out for one player. It's never worth it and never works out for the buyer. Sometimes just sitting tight and holding onto what you have is the smart play in the end. But I digress.
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