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Jon Snow

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Posts posted by Jon Snow

  1. 8 hours ago, MasterAwesome said:

    Trump is the 45th president. 4 + 5 = 9, which is the number of lives of a cat.  CAT backwards = TAC.  TAC = Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, which is in Australia. Anagram of Australia = Ultra Asia.

    Ultra Asia? Umm if you STILL don't believe Coronavirus was artificially created and leaked deliberately by China in order to eradicate most of the global population so that they could emerge as the leading superpower, secret cure in hand, then WAKE...UP...SHEEPLE! Ultra Asia is right around the corner and you mask-wearing idiots are too stupid to see it!

    Makes sense to me.

  2. 2 hours ago, Wes21 said:

    I honestly didn't even think that what you described was "a thing."  When I picture those types of areas, obviously I picture being relatively alone.  But I guess I should have figured it.  I'm in the VA Beach area, and as soon as they open up anything its all shoulder to shoulder, including the fishing piers.

    I loved my Asheville experience!  However, I can appreciate if you were there when it was a different place and that's what you signed up for.

    I lived in Greensboro through the mid 80's to early 90's and the same thing happened there over time.  I knew every inch of Greensboro and where to go and where to keep your ass out of.   I don't recognize the town now.  Asheville is trending that way now.  I'm just getting old man.

  3. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I've loved Colorado, but the Front Range is just way too damn crowded now. All of the things I moved out here for 13 years ago are just a lot less enjoyable now due to the crowds. I-70 to and from the mountains is a total disaster. When we first moved out here, Charlotte traffic was way worse than Denver traffic. That comparison reversed probably 7-8 years ago. The streams are packed shoulder to shoulder with fishermen. The mountain biking and hiking trails are packed. The Jeep trails are almost as packed as I-70.  The breweries are packed. I haven't completely ruled out a return to CO, but if it happens it'll be to the western slope. If it's a reasonable day trip from the Front Range, I don't want any part of it.

    Sounds eerily similar to Asheville, NC.  I moved here 20 years ago and it was much different then.  It's gotten too crowded for me.

    • Pie 1
    • Flames 1
  4. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Yeah, I was already furloughed and we still expect my wife to be furloughed any day now. The house went under contract today though, so hopefully we'll be sitting on a pile of cash soon. I'd rather be sitting on a pile of cash right now than have a home with a considerable mortgage left on it. I'm still not convinced the housing market isn't going to take a big hit.

    This will allow us to bounce back to NC temporarily and let me focus all my attention on my business. Then we'll look to bounce back out west next summer. The wife green lit Montana and that's what got me motivated to sell the house here in Colorado.

    I'm considering selling my home later this year but fear it will be too late and will be stuck with this mortgage and no job.   I have debated whether it would be money saved to just sell out and rent an apartment until my son gets out of college this fall.  I'm saving a lot by him commuting to class from home.  His younger brother may just have to delay college for a year and work construction.  It will be a good motivator to get his ass thinking about his future.

    But yeah, I want to head west after I retire, if I get to.  I want to own a ranch in Montana and marry a round American woman and raise rabbits.  

    • Pie 3
  5. 20 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    This is how stimulus is supposed to work. I think a lot of it just went straight into a bank account though. I know mine did.

    That is the wise thing to do if you are living paycheck to paycheck, which the majority of us are.   It will come in handy if you have to wait for an unemployment check.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Tbe said:

    Even if everyone is allowed to go out and do anything they want, a significant number of people will be too scared to do anything.

    That fear is going to suppress the economy for a while. I really don’t think we will start to see the end of this thing until next year at this time. 

    The good news is there seems to be a floor to this. Only so many people will stay home indefinitely.

    I expect 30%+ unemployment by The fall.

    If I’m brought back to work, I’ve been told it will most likely be at reduced pay. They expect revenue to be down 30% over the next 12 months so they want to try to structure compensation accordingly.

    I'm expecting salary dumps in every sector.  I'm a prime candidate, senior exec 3 years from retirement eligibility with a salary in the range you would expect for my experience level.  Easier to replace for half the cost.

    • Beer 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Sorry to hear it, man. The longer this goes the more people that are going to end up in this boat. I was furloughed over a month ago. If you haven't applied for unemployment stop whatever you're doing right now and do that right now. The systems are swamped. It might not be a quick process. We're fortunate that my wife hasn't been furloughed... yet. But her workplace has been talking furloughs and layoffs since the beginning of this, so honestly it won't be the least bit surprising if it happens.

    It is eventually going to get a lot worse if something doesn't give soon.  I may make it until the end of this month but after that who knows?

  8. 4 hours ago, Tbe said:

    Welp, I’m getting furloughed today. It’s probably 50-50 on whether I’ll get to come back in August.

    President and CFO project this will continue through the fall and into next spring. 

    Sorry to hear that brother.  Rumors are circulating that we will be furloughed in the coming weeks.  It's only a matter of time before I will be joining you on the unemployment line.

  9. 1 hour ago, jfra78 said:

    No way hair salons should open yet, cant cut hair 6 feet apart

    You know those chairs can move right?  And they can wear masks.  It not that complicated.

  10. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Do you think anything has substantially changed since then?

    Probably not but I wouldn't use it as a blanket statement without current numbers.

  11. 9 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I just know how it worked in the defense industry. Those contracts were agreed upon before the legislation was ever signed. One of the companies I repped for was under the L3 Technologies umbrella. That outfit was shady as FUG. They've since merged with Harris Corporation which if anything is even shadier, but they use that shadiness to rake in billions in government contracts.

    There's corruption all over government.  That's just a fact of life sadly.   You will see news today about the DOT shortfall blaming it on the Covid-19 outback.  That is only a half truth.  The real truth is it was circling the bowl long before this outbreak due to mismanagement from the former Secretary and his minions.  That you will not hear them say.   But I digress.  Maybe for once our government will do something for the people instead of their friends.

    • Pie 2
  12. 11 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Let's be honest, the only way a big infrastructure bill gets passed is if some large construction companies use some lobbyists to line some pockets to get a sweetheart deal passed where they already have the contracts landed behind closed doors. That's the way big government spending works.


  13. 4 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Let's be honest, the only way a big infrastructure bill gets passed is if some large construction companies use some lobbyists to line some pockets to get a sweetheart deal passed where they already have the contracts landed behind closed doors. That's the way big government spending works.

    I agree to an extent, but there's many more professions that benefit from infrastructure spending than construction.  Construction is what you see at the end of the process.  The vast majority is the white collar workers that make construction possible.   That's the part the public doesn't see.

  14. 1 minute ago, stirs said:

    It is going to be part of the massive infrastructure bill.  Knew it would.  When everyone gets on, things crawl and certain areas crawl much worse.

    Not sure what form it will take

    They same infrastructure bill that we've heard about for nearly 4 years now?  There's no way the House will let Trump get that through before the election.  Not trying to turn this political but if you are being honest with yourself you know it's true.

  15. Just now, stirs said:

    Huge broadband expansion coming

    Who's going to be able to afford it when you're unemployed?   If it's part of an infrastructure package sure.  But broadband expansion is way down on the list of things this country needs right now.

  16. 1 minute ago, Wes21 said:


    That sucks bro, I'm sorry to hear that.  Keep your head up, and try to make your next move your best move.

    I'm out of moves if I get rifted.  My entire field of work is going belly up.  There's nowhere left to go for me and my fellow engineers, especially at my age.  It's bad for everyone so I'm not whining about.  I worry about my son finding a job when he graduates from college soon.

  17. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    They're already skyrocketing. This will just keep the trend going.

    Sorry you're in this spot. I'm already there. 

    What's really frustrating for me is that I had a startup business going and had agreements from five more distributors to bring me on this summer. That would've given me a total of 22 states. None have completely backed out on me as of yet, but timing went from "this summer" to "???".  So, in the meantime I've launched another line that has been picked up by the two biggest online retailers in the game. Initial orders should be within the next 3-4 weeks.

    States are struggling all over financially and a lot were before this outbreak.  NC was struggling to pay contactors before this happened, many of which I personally had to cancel contracts with whom I've worked with my entire career.  The full financial impact is yet to be realized even if everyone went back to work tomorrow and the virus was fully gone.  I'm afraid we haven't seen the worst yet.

  18. 24 minutes ago, stirs said:

    Hopefully, it will be more about a plan going forward.

    Illinois, CA and others that have been sooooo in debt, and NY with what they are getting hit with, might all see protection

    We have been working to mitigate the impact of bad policy decisions that date back nearly 2 years.   We are out of options at this point.  Furloughs and rifts are all they have left to offset the budget crises that was in place before this outback.  As soon as we went into lockdown it was only a matter of time before it went full belly up.   The unemployment numbers are going to skyrocket soon.

  19. 5 hours ago, stirs said:

    How many of you guys sell to the state, any state?

    Bankruptcy of states scare you?

    I work in state government.  It's been bad financially for nearly a year now.  This pandemic is the final nail in the coffin so to speak.  I have a conference call tomorrow with Raleigh management and I'm expecting bad news for my employees and myself.

  20. 10 hours ago, Johnny Rockets said:

    Hey everyone...

    I don’t post here here much anymore and not sure how to embed a YouTube video but if any of you live in Iredell County NC , specifically Statesville, I would appreciate any assistance you could give to a local business. This is my ex of 20 years and mother of my 2 kids and she is close to shutting her restaurant down and could use the help. She is a good person and many of the original members know her. No Go Fund me or anything like that. Just a news clip to show what people are going through. It’s a hard time for a lot of people. Thanks Huddle and this seemed like an appropriate place the post this. Hope you are all well and enjoy the draft. 



    Johnny Rockets

    I think I have eaten at this restaurant before.  If I get back to Statesville again anytime soon I will drop in and get something for sure.  Glad to see you back @Johnny Rockets

    • Pie 3
  21. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    An update on my wife's employer's incredibly fuged up approach to this situation. Not only are they laying off people in droves, but once those positions are reposted, laid off employees will simply be invited to re-apply. Not brought back automatically. Not given preferential treatment. Literally just treated as any other applicant.

    That's a pretty f*cked up thing to do.  It's probably a salary and pension dump if she has one.  Her company is hoping they can hire people for the same positions for cheaper salaries.  I hope these fed aide packages address situations like this.

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