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Posts posted by MHS831

  1. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/five-potential-landing-spots-for-andre-johnson/ar-BBiazJn?ocid=U141DHP


    This article suggests that Carolina is one of 5 landing spots for him.


    How do they know? Psychic?  Inside information?  Or do they look at a list of needs and decide?


    I am pretty sure it is the last one.


    Isn't he about 34?


    "Imagine Kelvin Benjamin and Andre Johnson lining up opposite one another with Cam Newton tossing them the rock. That’s the type of passing offense that could help Carolina take the next step towards conference championship contention. Right now, the Panthers are sorely lacking at receiver opposite Benjamin, who received 27 percent of Newton’s targets last season. It goes without saying that the young pass catcher will need someone to help him shoulder the load.

    Panthers general manager Dave Gettleman dropped the ball big time in free agency last year. He simply cannot afford to do that again, especially with the team negotiating a long-term deal with its franchise quarterback. Adding Johnson would help Newton take the Panthers more seriously in said negotiations."

  2. There are rumblings that Anthony Collins may be cut by Tampa, i know many were interested in his services last year, and if i remember correctly Gettleman had a big offer on the table for him and he chose Tampa over us.  Thoughts?


    My thoughts are this--give these guys a decent contract with a small signing bonus and little guaranteed.  Playing for guaranteed money has to be different than having to earn it as you go.


    Oher gets a deal for $20m over 5 years.  Sounds crazy, right?  His signing bonus was $1m spread over 5 years. He gets cut if he does not earn a starting position.  The first year is at $1m.  I think, with his question marks, he is worth a $2m investment for a year--that is basically what this is.

  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/26/nfl-media-releases-2011-wal-mart-incident-report-involving-dez-bryant/

    Annnnnnnd it starts.

    Looks like someone called the cops to report a woman being dragged from one car to another, but Dez and his friends all said it was someone else doing the dragging. Because of the media's hyperbolic irresponsible reporting of the Greg Hardy case, I'm gonna give Dez the benefit of the doubt until a video pops up.

    But these media types are relentless so if a video does in fact exist, Dez is fuged.


    So the way I see this, peeking through the journalistic hype and chest pounding, is that there is possibly a video in NFL hands that contains some evidence of who it was that dragged the female, even though everyone involved, including the female, denies that an assault took place or anyone dragged the female anywhere (?). 


    I am going to read this again, but if true, and Dez did this, it is worse because it is kidnapping and possibly assault.  This is me talking--have not heard that word (kidnapping) anywhere else, but if she was abducted against her will, forced into another car, and removed from the parking lot--even if she was returned---it is worse than Ray Rice.


    Extending your thought, Monsta, the media sure has changed a lot since I was a kid.  Too often, they are not reporting the news, but making it.  The way they reported the recent cases involving police shootings and then pointing camera crews at the mobs (the mobs they created) was no less than building the stage for a play.  We now have to question everything we read, even from CNNs and ABCs because they are all chasing advertising dollars.  Personally, I feel sorry for Dez--I do not like to see lives ruined for amusement purposes.  However, if he did this, that will change--when I have proof. 

    • Pie 3
  4. She was/is the reason the NFL wears pink in October--maybe DWIll expected more of a tribute than he got.  I dunno.  All I know is this:  It is a very emotional time for DWill and I know he is in pain.  He has to know that his career is probably done.  His mother recently passed.  Probably a bad idea to go social media with the venting, but I do not think Jerry Richardson is at the source of his pain.  The realities of life are.  He aged out at the same time his mom died.  That is tough.


    You have to remember that this is his side of the story.  I doubt Mr. Richardson offers a reaction.

    • Pie 1
  5. have you ever noticed that the players who got the most pissed off when gettleman released them or let them walk were ones who played most or all of their careers with hurney as their GM


    Maybe they have a tough time separating the family atmosphere from the business side.  DWIll was a panther for a third of his life--tough getting cut.


    It takes time getting over a mother's death.  I give him a pass.  Look at his life the past year-money doesn't  buy everything. 


    • Pie 2
  6. B-j_xKcCIAA0abF.jpg


    It appears Byron Bell has been notified he will not be re-signed by the Panthers. This does not come as much of a shock for anyone. 


    Bell absolutely did the best that he could and that is admirable. 



    Thanks to JOAT for tweeting this at me. 


    I am flattered that Byron decided to use one of my photos as his farewell. 


    THAT PHOTO IS THE KISS OF DEATH.  All 3 players not to be on roster in 2015.


    • Pie 3
  7. I see this as another shot of chemo to rid us of Marty Hurney.  Guts you, makes you sick, but it is necessary. 


    I should also say that DWill was paid much more $$ than his production was worth.


    I admire the man, the smiling reminder that this is just a game.  Still, this was inevitable. 

  8. The operative question is what constitutes 'overpayment'.

    Gettleman has made clear that he sees Newton as a franchise quarterback, but I think the folks who see that and think 'blank check' are in error.

    What Gettleman has also made abundantly clear is that he won't pay more than what he feels is 'good value' for the team.

    Where those numbers meet? Who knows?

    In the (what i would still consider highly unlikely) event that they don't , the explosion on this site will make Pompeii look like a firecracker.

    Well stated.

    There are a lot of folks here who seem to want to make Cam the highest paid player in the NFL to validate him.  To those folks I say, "Remember the good ole days when Marty Hurney was here?"  These are the same people who have been saying that Cam has no protection and no weapons.  Pay the man too much, and that trend will continue.


    I have been saying for months, Gettlemen is not emotionally attached to Cam.  He can keep him for 2 more years if he wants, and he might do that while he finds and develops another qb.  Imagine if he traded Cam to Cleveland for their 2 #1 draft picks?  We would have 3 first rounders and $20 m to use in free agency.  Anderson was undefeated last year....


    I doubt that happens, but if Cam is not committed to Carolina, if getting overpaid here is not enough for him, then maybe Gettlemen explores ways to turn a negative into a positive.  Yes, this site would explode, but they are not in Gettlemen's shoes, having to make football decisions that benefit the long-term development of the franchise.

    • Pie 1
  9. Gettlemen will not make Cam the highest paid player in the league until it has been earned.  Check him out on PFF and take his numbers into a mock negotiation and play Bus Cook.  You are not walking away with a blank check.


    I personally think it is going to get ugly if Cam does not face the reality of his situation.  His stats and history do not scream, "Guaranteed money."

    I know people on here do not want to hear that, but imagine how you will feel if Cam does not take his game to the elite level--you have seen flashes, but on paper we are not talking elite yet.


    Dave will not get emotional.  He will not feel bad about it while the ink is still wet.  He will make a fair offer.  I think Bus and Cam will accept a fair deal.  

    As for Russell Wilson--he is not worth what they are going to pay him in my opinion.  Kaepernick is much less of a QB than Cam. 


    I think Cam wants to win and will sign a deal that allows Dave to reduce his cap hit this year.  I would also add that a good QB like Cam is in a position-in this market--to demand more than he is worth.  I am just saying that if you think DG gives him everything he wants, you have not been watching DG.


    Not bashing Cam, just analyzing the situation.  DG has been talking, and he always tells the truth. 

    • Pie 5
  10. If Gurley doesn't let teams check out his knee then he still might be having some complications trying to recover. I'm not a doctor so I can't tell you what that means or when he will ever be healthy. I'm pulling for Gurley though because he is from my hometown. In the end, I wouldn't be upset if he falls into the second or third round and the Panthers have a shot at him.


    I would think that he and his agent are aware that refusing to allow them to look at his knee will cost them.  However, I would also assume that they could be thinking that it will not drop as much as it would if they allowed teams to look at it. 


    They were talking about the need for a combine, and it was originally designed to allow teams the opportunity to check out injuries. The rest evolved from that concept.  Why is Gurley there?  Interviews? 

  11. Exactly what position has Gettleman drafted at a position of no need last year? Benjamin? Big need. Ealy? Given he wouldn't pay Hardy big money and didn't trust him and Johnson is costing almost 20 million a year it was a position of need in a year or two. Turner? With Wharton on the fence and Silatolu so up and down it was an immediate need. Boston? Of course we needed a safety. Benwikere? No question it was a need? . Gaffney? You could argue no need but with Williams and Stewart costing so much having a lower priced option would be necessarily down the road.

    So if we are looking long term instead of short term where are all these players who are at positions of no or little need. Gettleman may not be selecting at positions of what people think are our biggest needs but it is hard to say they are at positions of little need.


    Good points.  As fans, we forget that the best player could be the player that creates cap space by allowing the GM to cut players and enter negotiations with other players with options.  Ealy was a great example of this.  However, we all feel rather confident that Hardy was not going to be on the roster in 2015 when he was franchised, so need does not have to mean this year.  When you consider how productive rookies are in their first years, it is almost stupid to try to meet 2015 needs in the draft.


    Our scope is narrow and short.  A GM has to have vision that extends the length of contracts and he has to know what costs are ahead.  So, to extend your excellent points, "Best" does not mean to us what it means to Gettlemen. 

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