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Posts posted by rippadonn

  1. 2 hours ago, WUnderhill said:

    I would because upside in a QB is about more than athletic ability.

    True, but he's been impressive on the whiteboard too and most folk that can see are watching him go through his reads properly. 

    Id also have to give AR the benefit of the doubt because of turnover in coaching and Florida Gators not being the "Gators" of the nineties. They don't get the best of the best anymore like Alabama and Ohio State so with his elite traits, elite arm, high S2 score AND size AND athletic ability, YES, he has the most upside of this draft.

    The question has always been, even with Cam, do you have the right coaches to develop him? This time, Yes. 


  2. 1 hour ago, jayboogieman said:

    Nah. The field was changed for the concerts. Tepper wanted the stadium to make him more paid pay day GIF so the field was changed.

    Make a concert venue instead of changing our house of football to the house of futbol and ruining the playing surface to accommodate music.

    This guy... He can't get American Football correct before selling out to everything else.

    Focus David 



  3. I don't get the poo. He's not better than Tua coming out and smaller and thinner. Why should we expect him to be better than his closest comp, when he never was statistically.

    Bring in stats, the mighty mouse argument falls apart. As a coach I wouldn't risk his life. That may be eighties old school but back then he would have had to change position to actually make it in the NFL.

    Looking at our society, they're ripe for forgetting history and thus prone to learning old lessons. Making old mistakes already tried.

  4. Absolutely nobody can argue that AR has the most potential upside of all the QBs in this draft.

    Imagine IF it was US and Reich that took The Legend 2.0 and made him into Super Cam INSTEAD of Pete Carroll, all in our face!?

    That would be more satisfying for coach, team, community and the blue print of WHAT a Carolina Panthers QB SHOULD be.

    Cam was our prototype, with great success to go the absolute OPPOSITE way when given perhaps the closest Cam copy in thirteen years?!

    You deserve what you get if your actually THAT blind as an organization not seeing God's hand at work.


    Go on! Go with the hype train. Do the opposite.

  5. Scares me too. Look at all the Dolphins did to actually draft Tua, a bigger player, a better career at Alabama and the scare they got last season. He considered retiring. Bryce isn't as good as Tua, lighter and a very risky #1 if your talking long term instead of a flash in the pan and hoping for another #1. Not his fault but too big of a risk for an outcome that is very likely...


  6. The little guy is one dimensional and will be easy to shut down because he's not even better than Tua coming out of college.

    The BY hopium is soooo unrealistic. Some people although great in college, don't make it to/in the NFL. That's life, but trying to keep hope alive using the #1 pick, dumb.

    Now they'll have to keep little man alive among GIANTS.

    You want to see him killed.

  7. 7 hours ago, WOW!! said:

    I’m sorry I’m not in to conspiracy theories.. I can only see what  is put infront of me.. Young has been called the best QB in the draft for a long time by more  ppl then the Teppers.. Mccwon before being employed did a breakdown where he was glowing about Young.. Brown says he wants a PG at QB while most scouts and analysts compare Young to Curry.. At some point you have to acknowledge the bread crumb trail..

    You can't live like that. You leave your own awareness and understanding up to those serving you poo on a platter.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Aussie Tank said:

    Music to my ears this is the kiss of excellence for Bryce Young coming from you 

    Matt Corral was statistically better at QB in college than Bryce Young AND put up 4.0yrds per carry rushing the ball plus 1338 college rushing yards.

    Bryce is Fhules Gold, hype train and no substance when you compare his stats with others coming out. Over hyped gimmick poster child for the 5foot QB revolution.

    Lol. Having fun. Helping my team not do something as stupid as drafting Bryce Young who isn't better than Will Anderson, CJ Stroud, AR, Levis, Matt Corral or Hooker.

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