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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. There are no words for how much I miss Cam Newton everything he has said is spot on with this franchise
  2. Exactly right it was absolutely not working offensively waiting another six weeks wasn’t anything but torment for all involved with this putrid jr. High offense and dare I say, jr high qb Frank now can retire fully with at last $50 million from two NFL owners I’m not a Tepper fan but I also don’t believe he is the antichrist. Hire the right person and all will be forgotten as was with Jed York and other owners in my case, older now, can’t wait this out, don’t want to wait it out that’s the issue with pro sports and being a fan thereof
  3. What is that hopping thing Young does I saw that in another clip on here….it is unbelievable…how could any pro coach allow that to go on ? Did they not see that on his college tape or is that dime nervous tic in the pros ?
  4. Can you imagine, Young telling a Sean Payton or Bill B, ‘nah man, I ain’t doing a wristband’ Sweet Jesus
  5. Thank you for sharing this was very informative thank you
  6. Yes it is but as you say ‘it is a sports talk forum Extrapolated, not one person on here knows what actually went on. It is conjecture, not facts I do not know David Tepper I can make my own judgements based on results Who knows whether those are right or not. The same is true of every poster on this board No one is ‘lowly’ but no one on this board’s knowledge or experience is superior to anyone else’s either.
  7. I’m not raging I’m not lecturing its not worth it to me The whole argument about ‘shitty organizations’ is also flawed but being the historian, you know this already as Franchises can turn one way or the other very quickly Again, David Tepper is in control here. His 2.2 billion dollar purchase price earned him that right what I think of him, what you think of him or what you think he should do is of no consequence to this situation or to him then again, you could send your recommendations directly to him. Im sure he would appreciate them
  8. First, You are in no position to tell anyone what they ‘do or do not get’ ..but you really, really like to do that. Fact is, everyone has choices If you choose to feel ‘hurt’ by something you have no control over that’s on you. I had choices too. To some, I made a poor one. I have paid for season tickets and PSLs for 24 years and that also came with gas, hotel, food and time, given that, I certainly need no lecture from you on what fans feel or the ‘hurt’ fans feel or the impacts of a poor team or owner. …and yes, those players are whining. They are over indulged, from the time they could play a sport, millionaires if they are just so, so miserable, ask for a trade, sit out, leave …and guess what, there are hundreds of others who would be more than glad to take their place and probably better then they are But, there is the small issue that they signed a contract (willingly) so fuging honor it. Note to them, life isn’t fair. You play the hand you have. You are responsible for your choices. No one else. Don’t like your situation, change it or change your attitude. Where pro sports are concerned, they are not victims. Neither am I.
  9. Millionaire players not wanting to play a sport for a billionaire owner let me get the world’s smallest violin for all of them Frank Reich is a good human being but he is also no one’s victim…he had choices, one of which was to retire after the Colts fiasco and live happily ever after look, I love pro football. I get how hard this sports is but leaders, need to lead, and if they can’t, get out these people are not victims they chose this business.
  10. https://www.wbtv.com/2023/11/28/panthers-owner-address-reich-firing-introduce-interim-coach-chris-tabor/
  11. Any word on if this is broadcast on the app or elsewhere
  12. Greg, you are a legend here and much loved Don’t come here as a coach and destroy both of those things spend time with your family and your new career. loved watching you play but don’t do this with the egomaniac and be yet another scapegoat
  13. You should look at all of it in Winks’ account on X it is putrid how many times Tommy Tremble was open ….and what’s with Young hopping around
  14. Bottom line rich men do what rich men do nfl owners pay billions for these teams as bill polian said on NFL ‘ these owners pay what amounts to the GDP of small countries for these franchises . They are entitled to do whatever they feel they need to do for the money paid. Frank and I are longtime friends but this comes with the business.’ and that, is the absolute bottom line the only decision a fan can affect is whether or not to continue to support the product i can’t stand what Tepper has done to the Panthers. Nor does he fit the Carolina’s with his lack of class but to waste my time trying to feel righteous changes nothing His competence, course correction and judgement will come from his peers Not sports writers, talking heads, or us.
  15. Having Andrew Luck didn’t hurt that record…until he left unexpectedly …and those were not rookie QBs Frank is a decent human being. Not an idiot but his personality and methodology, that is plodding, was never going to work here..not sure he was cutout to be a HC he can retire a multi millionaire and preach wherever he wants
  16. You are forgetting NFL revenue sharing. All 32 owners share in that piece of pay
  17. yes, they did say those things Many of those coaches and execs said ..the Panthers have an all star coaching staff’ too sometimes the ‘ experts ‘ lack common sense
  18. Makes a bit of sense as he had been an interim before could be the DC wanted to stay the DC and explore options at end of the season, too that side of the ball isn’t totally tragic or total chaos so leave it alone i always felt that this Large staff was helping Tepper hedge his bets. If Reich didn’t work, he had other coaches to help him tread water and buy time to get who he wanted for the next dance with the devil this was not working. Why continue it. In my decades of watching pro football, attending live. Games etc, I have never, ever seen anything this hopeless and I don’t know the word for worse than hopeless, that’s what this offense was with Reich GM should’ve gone as well
  19. The post game film will clarify nothing against Chark but ponder for a moment that this guy, who has continually missed time, who has made zero impact this year, was one of Fitterer’s prized free agent signings ….… .….out of all of the available WR free agents Chark was the one signed
  20. Yep honestly, I preferred to hire from app state because they had a killer intern / apprenticeship for their IT / Comp Sci majors…they came ready to work I enjoyed them
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