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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Then you did see him under pressure, make a few bad decisions/mistakes, and make some good ones as well.
  2. You didn't watch the first half? Young was under pressure and took a sack or two. Bama made the right adjustments and Young got into his groove.
  3. This game is not only over, it's getting ugly for the Wildcats.
  4. He should go #1 anyway. He's the best QB in the class. That said, let others pass on him for some measurables and let the Panthers pick him.
  5. Welp, that trick to start the half didn't end well for K State. Young made them pay.
  6. Vaughn looked like he ran into a wall when he hit the defender.
  7. And Young is starting to look like his usual self.
  8. I typed that previous comment and Bama's defense starts looking like its normal self and forces a three and out.
  9. I wonder if some of Bama's players are just going through the motions and wanting to get through this game without injuries.
  10. Looks like Bama just got bailed out. Edit: Nevermind. Bama made a huge mistake.
  11. Then he made a nice throw for the first down. That said, he looks off so far this game as evidenced by that sack.
  12. It would probably be his second NFL season before he added the needed muscle unless he really hits the gym this offseason.
  13. Vaughn is one tiny dude compared to the other players. He would still make a decent late round pick and part of a RB stable in the NFL.
  14. Nice to see Howard shrugging off that pick he threw.
  15. I'd much rather go with the younger talent even if the rest is equal since you'd have him longer unless injuries derail his career. I've never seen an interview with Richardson, but his teammates seemed to love him and as you've stated before, fans don't get any info from the draft process interviews.
  16. Young was off on that pass. The WR didn't help him though.
  17. I wouldn't take Levis in the first round if I was a GM unless it was one of the last 2-3 picks. He just doesn't strike me as an NFL QB. If the choice was him or Richardson, I hope the Panthers swing for the fences and go Richardson.
  18. Iowa vs Kentucky is also happening now on ABC in the Music City Bowl. Levis is sitting this one out.
  19. Both teams have their full rosters in the Sugar Bowl despite several players heading into the draft.
  20. I can see TCU having a chance, but I think Stroud gets further exposed tonight. UGA is going to pressure him all game long and he doesn't do well under pressure.
  21. The Sugar Bowl might end up the best game of the day. That's assuming Bama doesn't just bulldoze the Wildcats.
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