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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Pretty good game. Too bad it took so long into the season for Georgia to lose one though
  2. Bama just looks like the better team in all phases of the game today
  3. Georgia just doesn't look like Georgia. The cracks have been there all season, but it's looking like Bama is the hammer that's going to break them up.
  4. That was a weird running play. The Georgia RB all but stopped behind his line and just sort of shuffled side to side
  5. UGA hasn't had to really try on defense so far. Bama's offense is beating themselves.
  6. Ok. That wasn't sort of easy for UGA. That was really easy
  7. It sucks that CBS lost the SEC to ESPN/ABC. But money talks.
  8. Most likely he was talking about Ja'Tavion Sanders, Texas' TE. He has over 100 yards and a TD today
  9. That's also about the time I started posting this so much, and saying he is who the size bros should truly want
  10. Young was the number 1 QB on most boards/mocks/Vegas/etc during the college season and all the way up to OSU's pro day despite Young not throwing at the combine. Him not throwing at the combine caused a lot of discussion for those that can't remember that far back. Vegas and most boards/mocks changed to Stroud after the pictures of McCown and Reich being happy surfaced for a few days. Then Vegas and the mocks/boards went back to Young.
  11. This one ain't going to be pretty even compared to the previous games. If you can't turn away from car wrecks, this might be the game for you. Seems the Bucs are another walking wounded team(tanking?) and the Panthers still have a shot at winning the division as hard as that is to believe.
  12. That's why I said it would be the GM after Fitt that adds talent. Where Hurney couldn't do contracts, Fitt can't judge talent. The boss also loves them for some odd reason.
  13. Fitt is Tepper's Hurney. Hell be safe until Tepper has no choice but to fire him. He'll then get brought back after the next GM adds actual talent to the roster.
  14. Injury prone you say? That's one of the qualities Fitt seems to like in players. What's his RAS score? If it's high, he'll be re-signed.
  15. I'm surprised you didn't mention not having Love on the team was a big plus too
  16. Yeah, they haven't played this good in a long while. Has Davis found the key or is this just a one off?
  17. UNC and Tennessee are playing with UNC up 3 at the moment.
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