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  1. Sooner than later Moose and hall will be adding points and goals in spades.
  2. I dont think its a rental. We would take over his contract and he would be here to stay.
  3. This isnt a bad thing at all. Its all retro for cap reasons. Heard it on the radio earlier. Think what they did with Jarvis a month or so ago. Time table is still on track,
  4. This. I played QB in high school and we hardly lifted upper body at all. It was all core, squats, and legs. That is where the true power comes from.
  5. We went and It was fun for sure. But there is something to that game that could be taken to the main team "minus the 200 foot softy that Rice scored" hahaha. The canes went to the net AND had net front. Something I don't see us doing hardly any. Its all permitter. Btw, Rod looked like he could still play a shift or two if needed.
  6. It’s what happens when they can’t clear a puck. This ain’t on Koochie. Canes got real lazy and got flat out beat in their end.
  7. Good news is they are playing well Florida. We have jump and the chances are there. We can just get 1 I like us to get it to OT
  8. Burns needs to play better. Just sloppy and lazy.
  9. Maybe but koochie played awesome that 1st. It would be 4-0 if he didn’t make some saves.
  10. 5 games in 7 games will wear them down. Looked flat but had chances. See if we can get it going.
  11. I think that "quiet" being coached in his game could be a difference maker. You dont see elite goalies doing crazy poo around the net. They stay calm and cool. Freddie is a master at this..when healthy and not worn down.
  12. Bryce is coach killer for other teams!
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