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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. I don't blame the kids especially seeing what happened to his own son. I remember you posting about the QB son taking shots for the pain a couple of weeks ago. And dear old prime dad kept trotting him out there instead of shutting him down. I'd go elsewhere too
  2. This is all the proof you need that the PFF grades are poo
  3. Not surprised by the McCown firing. I always felt he was an overrated and odd choice since he had only ever coached some high school football prior to this gig. Staley being let go is a bit of a surprise though.
  4. They just want to see it so they can feel better about themselves and have more "ammo" that Young is a bust.
  5. The point is that others have done the same thing instead of it being something the shorter QB has to do
  6. It's not like the Panthers' have never had a QB that jumped when he threw passes. Here is one example, That said, the same guy used to do a one footed hop all the time on short passes.
  7. That was the same thing Cam Newton used to do on short and screen passes.
  8. RB screen wasn't a bad call but Sanders sucks
  9. The refs sided with the Panthers for once
  10. Slants and roll outs are two of the things the Panthers don't do a lot no matter the coaching staff
  11. Good catch unless they decide it's not a catch
  12. That scramble was some of the Bama Young magic
  13. The Titans aren't good either. Having to hold the Panthers' TEs and WRs should be embarrassing.
  14. It's going to snow! A screen pass worked.
  15. The Panthers are the "get right" game in the NFL. Titans just had their longest drive on the season
  16. Levis has time to throw. Must be nice to have a competent Oline
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