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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. sometimes, Dear Zod needs a reminder....you're welcome!
  2. Congratulations to YOUR NAME HERE on being selected as the new mods for Carolina Huddle. your ongoing support of the huddle is much appreciated. Now...as newbs....go get me a cold beer and then go clean the crapper.
  3. Hawk

    Bad friend

    while all relationships need work...sounds like this one is mostly all one sided. Probably not worth it in my opinion. Cut your losses and move on...if she notices the loss in her life then she will start to make some effort and hopefully you can patch things up....if she doesn't...then you've lost a friend but saved a future of more frustrations!
  4. see....I've been telling my wife all along...quick is good!
  5. I'm 47 and I grow up that way as well....and all it did was make me swear on my own life that I would never, EVER, treat a child that way. Its not like Adrian is some moron that just stumbled out of the forest either.
  6. was not my intent to compare him to the muderer at all. the world was supposed to stop and everyone was painting Adrian as this grief struck father of the year. And in no world is beating your child with a stick until he is covered in welts "a little too far"!
  7. fug Adrian Peterson!!! first the world is so full of grief when he loses his "son"...a boy he apparently fathered but hadn't even met yet...wow, huge loss for him then he is convicted of beating his kid with a switch and accused of beating another the same way? screw him man....one thing in life I will never have tolerance for is anyone who hits a child. A spank is a spank...leaving welts on a kids back because you beat him with a stick? Hell no
  8. bump just so you get your votes in and Zod doesn't forget!!!!!
  9. it was adderall....they'd be concentrating so hard they'd see that Escalade coming and jump out of the way first...landing on Vick, but missing his dogs!
  10. and the grand finale could be him jumping into his escalade with delfated tires and running over Kraft, Bellichek, Brady and why not Rodger Goodell before driving off a cliff!
  11. hopefully it's a video of him knocking Ray Rice out in an elevator and then beating the crap out of Adrian Peterson with a stick
  12. it's not very long but it sure is skinny
  13. whoever puts in their campaign that they will ban chknwing gets my vote
  14. you waiting on this vote to announce the new mod(s) and me as the new admin? do it all at once? makes sense.
  15. before I cast my all important vote...all y'all have 1 hour to buy my vote. Best inbox message/pic gets it.
  16. I'll pass but thanks. There are some folks still here though that have seen me in a Steve Smith jersey...I had my Seahawk gear under it of course.
  17. all you candidates are welcome for me bringing this back up...you know Igo is so damn busy he probably forgot all about you schmucks...errr...I mean, candidates. This is the kind of team work we are looking for on the huddle team
  18. you better believe it....whenever he's around, I double knot my shoes and make sure they are real tight all the time....can never be safe enough with him around.
  19. doh....sorry I can assure you that sharing hasn't occured!!!!
  20. I hear ya...countless messages with beautiful women are filling my inbox...some of these guys and gals really want to win. Keep em coming...it's closer than you think. I don't really think it's fair that Lola's are all selfies...but hey....you use what gifts your momma gave you!
  21. that's more of a light snack anyway
  22. lol...I know this will put a strain on our growing relationship but....but....I don't really care for bacon!!!! insert "you're dead to me" comment here.
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