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About KillerKat

  • Birthday 07/09/1985


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Nah, after the poo he has talked since leaving, I hope he never has a winning season ever again and continues to be a loser.
  2. Cam being large isnt an excuse. You can put Big Show next to Spike Dudley and it still doesnt take away the fact Spike is smaller than normal.
  3. Ill never forget the huddle when he left questioning his sexuality.
  4. Yayy we are now a fringe playoff team when we were contenders for the past 5-6 seasons but kept having the same problems over and over again in the playoffs and just gave the whole staff 5 years. Fantastic!
  5. I dont have much hope as some. I fear this may be the beginning of the end and we just gave Rod 5 years. SMFH.
  6. Im not feeling good guys We were on the verge last year and only needed a little help at the TDL and got it, only for us to STILL turn into a different team in the playoffs. Now we have guys leaving. Its a pretty scary transition the team is in.
  7. Btw, I thought we were told we werent going to make any trades at the TDL unless we could get a long term deal as well. Welp...
  8. We`re just the same ol Canes. Just when we thought we had scoring help, it goes away. On the other hand, our pp didnt do poo in the playoffs and we were a different team overall. Looks like no Cup in sight for this team as we keep doing the same sh!t over and over hoping for a different result. I think there is a term for that.
  9. Its not just goaltending. Its a whole different team in the playoffs, but we are supposed to be happy for just being there I guess.
  10. I dont really care much who wins but I always love it when a Southern team beats a Canadian team because Canada hateessssss it so much. They cry like babies when it happens.
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