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About KillerKat

  • Birthday 07/09/1985


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Dj was an absolute beast in Madden
  2. Redemption? lmaoooo. 126 yards. lollllll Not even 200 last week. Hell yeah finally we have a franchise QB!!! The trade was worth it! We dont need no damn QB. We got him! Reality: He has hardly improved. Hes gone from complete dogshit to barely below average. He is still not a starting NFL QB. Hardly even a backup. He cant play against 2 win teams every week.
  3. Morgan still has a little John Fox in him. Got to value those RBs even though they have been devalued for around a decade now. Never go more than 2-3 years on a contract unless he is a superstar, never pay high money and never draft a RB high unless you are set everywhere else. We failed on the first and third rules.
  4. ^and I mean the way we been playing. The way that we should be.
  5. Im loving this poo right here. I just hope it keeps going all season long and hopefully all playoff long.
  6. yeah i guess this means Brooks will be unable to surpass Hubbard now due to the contract.
  7. yeah sub 200 yards, 1td and 1int and all of a sudden there is supposed to be hope?
  8. Not even 200 yards and an INT too.
  9. We actually do. The huddle never learns. A terrible QB suddenly has a good drive/game and suddenly we should sign him to a big contract or keep him the following year. Then next year happens and we are back to where we were the previous year.
  10. To my surprise, so far he is upping his trade value. Which hopefully gets him TF outta here sooner.
  11. Yeah its really dumb. Stroud still wouldve looked 10 times better than Bryce last year and of course we would be in much better position this year.
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