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Tyler Durden

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Status Updates posted by Tyler Durden

  1. everything going alright? haven't seen you around as much as of late...

  2. going good... sonny's doing more stuff every day... I think he'll be walking within the month... still not really talking yet though

  3. haha love the profile pic, bud... hope the fam is doing well!

  4. have you had to beat the little boys off with a stick yet?

  5. hey cry me a friggin' river! how is the fam?

  6. I'll check and see, and let you know by Wed. what it is looking like

  7. yeah the plan is that we are going to put our stuff in a single big bag and just check it... then we'll have stroller, baby bag, and maybe one small carry on bag with us at the gate... and baby, of course... we bought this bag to toss the stroller in and check it at the gate... hopefully we can get him to eat right before we board and then maybe have him go to sleep on the plane... we'll see!

  8. yo, can you unban jsquared? I am done with all the alter egos and want to just go back to that one full time... kthx

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