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Everything posted by NotinbutaPnut

  1. if anyone is doing heroic on xbox one hit me up. Craftydude670. Send me a msg on xbox and I'll respond if I am not online.
  2. Hit me up on xbox1. We are looking for more for consistent VOG raids. craftydude670 - lvl 27 titan
  3. The last gym I went to had 3 trainers. They all were semi pro body builders. Only place I ever went where every trainer was bigger/stronger than me. Did you ever go to that dungeon gym with me Scott? God that place was sketch but it was so awesome at the same time. I miss it.
  4. It's not legal. So you'd have to find a local source. You know the andro gel commercials? They do the same thing but in a pill form and 200x more potent. The gel also costs $500 per 3mo supply where as this is $60 per/mo. Yes you need to take estrogen to offset the increased test.
  5. You could take test instead. It's a cleaner form of medical enhancement. A few guys at my gym are on it and loving it. One of them lost 3 pant sizes in 2 weeks.
  6. Gotta hit your macros bro. This dude is making sure he gets his carb meta. What a genius.
  7. Most women I know don't lift heavy enough weight in order to build strength. Which is what I think you're after. Last week at the gym I saw 2 girls doing seated cable rows. They were doing 15 lbs for like 10 reps and only 3 sets. I asked them to try 60 lbs and they got 10 reps easily. Why would you waste your time doing something that will not provide any benefit?
  8. I will speak in terms you know. I am the yoda to your luke.
  9. Anyone lift on the weekends at Fitness connection on South Blvd down by Tyvola? I'm looking for someone to lift with so that I am motivated to get out of my bed. Just so we don't have to change a bunch of weights around here are my stats: (getting through joint issues in my legs so don't laugh at my dead and squat numbers) Height: 6'1" Bench: 315 Squat 300 Dead: 400 Seated shoulder Press: 245 Darthbiscuit can vouch for me.
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