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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. Holy poo!! i assumed it was Cards J Brown nope its Miamis J Brown. there are too many gd j browns edit. Whatever. Its not miamis J Brown but someones @ miami. Either way im good
  2. Dude fug that poo. This app sucks. It was 7-3 and all of a suden vikes have ball down 3 in a zip of a glich and fug brown
  3. I think Im way behind watching this on the NFL app on Xbox One
  4. Turner + Stewart = that same result im not scared of the Cards. Add in the NFL's MVP at QB who could also run it? At home in NFCCG? We got this
  5. Cards arent physical i know its AP but i have no doubt Stewart could steam roll em too!!
  6. Probably a lot less emotional reactionary drunks
  7. Only 3 here is huge time fir AP to put an ass woopin* on the cards D
  8. fug i didnt even look at elbow. Yep they got it right
  9. That poo is out this is the early game de-rail the Vikes need!
  10. Cards havnt even scored yet but i sense this will clearly be a blow out
  11. In playoffs in both of my Fantasy leagues, 1 for each side of my family not much action tonight accept fir i need John Brown to lay an egg btw im not a fug who has 10 leagues and is bound to be in playoffs. I have only two. One is a $70 buy in.. Another just a $20. Money riding on this poo!
  12. Vs. Big playoff implications tonight!! I'm ready for some football!! In short, Cards win.. We clinch a First Round Bye Vikes win, we get more breathing room as far as attaining that #1 seed Who are you pulling for?
  13. This pretty much illistrates how ive felt as a panther fan this season
  14. Man, i forgot what its like to be a butthurt loser. Panthers better make sure they dont run out of Magnums. Dont wana catch an STD with all the teams we have been pounding.
  15. is this julius peppers and his bf suckin his toes?
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