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Posts posted by rayzor

  1. That guy is a beast. You would think that his athleticism would be through the roof if he was recruited to play in Oregon's offense. Maybe the only thing holding him back is between the ears? If that's true he would be a really strong candidate for breakout player this year.



    i think a large part of it was the amount of time he took off to recover from pretty serious injuries.


    kind of restating and expounding on the OP...

    he only played 2 games at oregon before getting hurt, but that was after 2 years at a junior college. he got hurt in 2011 and the only thing he had done since then before we picked him up was playing basketball in 2012 at portland bible college. he was what you'd call rusty and didn't really come with a whole lot of experience.


    in high school he played basketball and didn't play football until his senior year and he played defensive end.


    so in addition to being rusty, he was very raw as a player when he got here as well. he's the very definition of and pretty much the ideal prospect, imo.


    i don't know what kind of catch radius he has, but i remember reading an article about him where he was asked how high he can jump and he said he had a picture and pulled out his phone and showed a pic of him dunking and his elbow was even with the rim.


    the dude fits the prototype of the modern pass catching TE.

    • Pie 4
  2. Do you think there could be something in chandler? My guess that was gettlemans idea


    could be, but we're gambling in an area that i don't think we should be. it's waaayyy too important a role to be doing that. i'd feel better about chander giving it a try if we had someone reliable on the other side. we don't. we have another gamble on the other side...that either bell will be a better LT than RT or that he won't suck at RT like he did last year.


    he says he loves his hog mollies and he leads us to believe that the trenches are important to him, but when you are looking at bell and chandler as your OTs, you don't get a sense that he really believes it. i think he does on the DL, but the OL is of a secondary concern to him, esp. the outside.


    i like gettleman and i trust most of what he does, but when it comes to OT and what he's doing....meh. he's got to prove it there and i just don't see it happening.


    what's funny is that so many people in here were saying, "just wait. gettleman will pick someone up to play OT. he's really not going to go with those two this year." the thing is, i think we're stuck with this little experiment. i think they are going to play it through with bell and chandler as the OTs and it's going to bite us in the ass. i would love to be wrong about it. i just have to be proven wrong and we'll have to wait until the season plays out to see who was right.


    • Pie 2
  3. You never know. However I do think the current OT situation is the front office throwing poop against the wall and hoping something sticks. If we weren't Hurney challenged, there is NO WAY IN HELL we'd be going into this season with our OT situation like it is now.


    when you've got two udfa's and one is a converted DT flip flopping between RT and LT, i think that's exactly what you're doing.


    and totally agreed on this being the by-product of too much hurney for too long.


  4. Hey Byron




    here's the problem....who would replace him. the saddest thing of it all is that he's one of the two best OTs we have on the roster and there is a drop off in talent after him.


    we aren't in any hurry to find someone from the outside so kicking bell to the curb could actually hurt more than keeping him at OT.

    • Pie 2
  5. should help OP on  our end with contract negotiations.


    this could be nothing and it could be huge, but at this point the charge is suspicion of domestic violence and could be about any spat, verbal or  physical, with anyone he knows....male or female.

  6. I'm a Dolphins Fan, living in Charlotte.  I'm an active member of one of our fan sites........Phinfever.  Please come over and join the discussion.  Phin Fans are probably the most relaxed and least cocky in the NFL.  Beleive me 95+% of our fans are not cocky about this game and we have nothing against Cam.......most of the guys on the Phinfever site are predicting a Panther win.  I'm a homer, so I'm hoping the Phins can keep it close and find a way to pull it out in the 4th. It would surprise me if this game is not very close.........win or lose Phin games almost always go down to the wire. 


    This has been a tough season to be a Phin Fan..........the whole Incognito/Martin thing has put a bad light on the team.  Right now, NFL investigators are in Miami, interviewing the team and faculty.  We're hoping the Players will rally around this and make a big push toward the end of the season.


    i think i've seent that avatar around here somewhere. i think it's some dimwit that uses it. hahahaha


    anyway...welcome. i don't envy what your team is going through. heading into this week, tho, i've got to admit that i don't mind the distraction this has caused your team. dolphins looked like they were going to be pretty strong coming out of the gate. better luck after we get done winning on sunday. :)


  7. Hahha...I forgot all about those stats that just fugged up the Patriots day. I bet they did think they were just going to walk into BOA and win.



    yep. the media, pats fans, and the chicken littles running around in here were all about those stats and trends. those were apparently pretty big deals and obstacles for the panthers heading into the game so they should very much be considered big deals and obstacles that were overcome WHEN WE BEAT THE FRIKKIN PATRIOTS AFTER A BYE WEEK ON MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE SEASON!!!!


    yeah...i'm shouting that. i'm proud.

    • Pie 3
  8. having read four pages into this thread i think it's pretty cool we held the brady-led new england patriots to 20 points and we consider it one of our worst defensive outings.

    and we did it in pretty much the most ideal of situations, sans it being a home game for them.


    pats after a bye week? how many of those have they lost with belichick/brady?


    pats on MNF? how many have they lost?


    pats in the second half of the season? how many have they lost the past few years?


    this was typically the stage and situation that the pats shine in....and we beat them and not just that, but we held them to 20 points.


    and unlike most other teams that have played them this year...we took them on with several offensive weapons back that had missed most of the year. this was as close to full strength on offense as they have been all year.


    • Pie 2
  9. We knew what he does before the season started.....which is what Chud D as well.

    We were inconsistent last year bc OL play. DG opted to have 2 years of it.....which IMO is a clear indication he was going to do nothing to add this staff


    even more reason to change what you do. adapt to suit who you have, not who you would have in an ideal world.


  10. I see a weak OL with no depth....

    Which most of us saw last year and heading into this year.....giving our OC little chance for his game management that requires deep passing routes that takes several seconds to develop.


    what he does isn't working. his plan is failing because he doesn't have what he needs. the smart person would adapt to what you have rather than keep on doing the same thing and seeing continual failure.


    if you don't have a stout OL with a lot of pass protection, don't have a game plan that requires them having to hold people off so long.


    shula doesn't adapt. neither does rivera. they change things...but usually it's to stop doing something that works and trying to replace it with something that they think should work. for the most part, tho, hese guys seem in over their head.


    what they want to do relies on personnel that we don't have enough of.

  11. the "think positive!" spin put on everything you and other users brought up this offseason got really old


    now it's coming home to roost


    i was really hoping i was wrong and take no pride whatsoever in looking like i and others were right about shula because panthers winning >>> me being right about the panthers potential problems.


    i think he and rivera can turn it around b/c i saw it against NYG. i know they are capable of a very aggressive gameplan and making the players hyped up and hungry rather than the typical looseness that has been the trademark of rivera's team thus far.


    i just don't know if they trust themselves to coach aggressive game. the fact that they hinted that there's ever a point in time during the course of a season to not make, what they considered a "desperate" decision (which i would consider proactive and pragmatic considering past outcomes) let's me know that they focus too much on playing it safe and they just can't afford to do that. not when you have a losing record. not when you're coming off a losing record. not when you have yet to have a winning record ever. in that situation, you are desperate and you take risks.  when you want to survive, you fight. when your way hasn't worked it put you back into a corner, you find another way to get where you want to be.


    going forward now, it's adapt to your situation and adjust what you do or die.

  12. Hindsight is 20:20.

    some of us saw this coming.


    others complained that we weren't giving him a chance. that it was because of the situations he was thrown into. that after all this time surely he's gotten better.


    i was hoping that they were right. they weren't, although still some blame the players, just like at tampa and 'bama.


    i see a more likely common denominator other than shula's just unlucky.


    i see an inept offense. i see a lack of scoring. i see a lack of readiness. i see a lack of preparation. i see a lack of execution. i see a lack of ability to adjust. i see a slow paced offense with a lack of excitement, energy, ambition, and inspiration.


    i see shulaball.


    • Pie 1
  13. Shula should've stayed at QB coach. That's his niche in the NFL. Not running an offense or an entire team, as his past struggles can confirm.


    that's what i was saying.


    i think he did well as a QB coach. he was proven there. he was successful.


    as someone who manages a game and calls the plays....proven failure.


    you look at the path this team is on statisically for the season and where we are ranked in the league right now and then compare it to shula's previous tenure's calling an offense and you see the same thing.


    funny, you see the same excuses being thrown out implying that it's always someone else's fault.


    sorry, but i don't buy it. i see one common denominator...shula. he leaves, and the offense gets better. he arrives and the offense steps backward.


    not everyone who excels at their job is suited for advancement. shula and rivera both show that to be true. neither should have advanced because neither can handle the bigger job. they were just fine where they were.


    • Pie 1
  14. he is who i feared he would be.


    it's just a shame the players can't execute perfectly, which apparently is needed for shula´s offense to work cause even just one mistake throws everything off and they can never adjust the offense to get back on track.


    it's also a shame that opposing defenses adapt to what we do because that just hurts our set in stone gameplan. i mean what's a team to do? adapt and adjust mid game to do something that works? who does that?

  15. Strange timing. Who released this and why? Hmmmm



    i think it's most likely either the guy who knows he's had a background check done and is a candidate, or his agent.


    if it's the agent, we'll know who it is within the next couple days.



    or the whole thing could be speculation....you know, poo flung from one of the poo flingers in the major media.


    whatever the case, tho...i don't think it's any secret to anyone that it's do or die for rivera.


    win now with this team or we find someone who can.


    i actually like that it's out there. no more pretense. it's now known that we are no longer content with losing and no longer accept excuses.


    i also like that the same standards used for players are used for the coaching staff. meet expectations or be replaced. you have to know that gettleman is always on the look for talent where it's needed to help this team win. it's only fair tha the coaches have to live up to that as well.


    another thing i like is that if it really is the players not executing that has been the reason for losses and not game management, and if rivera is really as loved by the players as we have been made to believe, then they have to know that his staying depends on them not f*cking up. they'll be holding themselves and each other a lot more accountable.


    here's yet another thing i'm liking. in the past we've waited until poo happens before we do anything. the writing could be on the wall, but we never do anything until the last minute. we don't have a history of being proactive....esp. where coaching hires are concerned. there's been little to no looking ahead about much of anything. all we do is react when things happen and all too often it's a measured and delayed reaction in which we miss out on opportunities, losing out to teams who do a better job of looking ahead.


    if this report is true, which it probably is, i don't see it as a bad thing. if rivera or the team can't handle this pressure, then a change is made anyway. the culture has to change and this mindset that we don't need to be acting desperately needs to get thrown out the window. if rivera can't handle this pressure, he's not the right man for the job. if he gets distracted by it, he's not the right man for the job.


    i don't think he's the best coach we could have and i don't think that he's good enough to make this team consistent winners, but i hope he is because i want this team to win now.


    but if he's not the right man for the job, i want the message to be clear to the rest of the team....there is only one expectation...win. if you can't help make that happen, we'll find someone who can.


    more than that, we're already looking for your replacement. if you want your job, convince us that you are the right man for it. don't screw up. don't get lax. do your best always.

    • Pie 1
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