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Status Updates posted by PanthersAlv

  1. LOL I haven't been online here in awhile, and I just saw you gave me rep for the Testament tune. Thanks man. It's one of my fav's.

  2. Ah. I was gonna say, there's a Bar here in Charlotte named "Dixie's" and it's a Steelers bar. That place will be jump'n for the SB I'm sure!

  3. you in Charlotte? or just in "NC"?

  4. Where you watching the big game?

  5. Yeah. Here's hope'n. I am kinda up in the air on this SB tho. I wouldn't mind seeing either team win. The Steelers to take that top with the most championships, and to back up the first SB with Ben at the helm. Or Kurt and the Cardinals, cuz Kurt is a class act... and like the Bus, I think Edge is done after this Season. but who knows. it'll be fun.

  6. Wow, a Stillers fan! :D hehe, My best friend is a Steelers fan. he was hope'n for a showdown. Oh well, we blew it.

  7. It's my cuz'ns car. He lives just inside the NY/VT border. he only brings it out in the summer when he knows it'll be nice, and then brings it to shows. that's it.

  8. hehe yeah, it's not a bad ride is it? :P

  9. it was a long day. that's for sure. But, I dunno if the fun happened afterward. I was have'n fun the whole time.

  10. thanks! right back atcha. I was all over saturday! ROFL!

  11. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  12. DUDE! YOU F'N ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again and MERRY CHRISTMAS! GO PANTHERS!!!!

  13. LOL yeah, I skated for 7 years. I made a video on for my friend of him skate'n when I skated WAY back when... I'm at I think 2:10 or something into it... take a look: http://www.panthersalv.com/Index.php?item=135

  14. Scutty buddy! lol

  15. which Buffalo Wild Wings were you at?

  16. Hey man! nice pics of the son's band. He's still shred'n that jackson guitar huh? LOL He needs a new 7 string.. hook'm up ;)

  17. I'll work on that. LOL I'll be up there for New years... I'll see if he'll bring it out for a spin in Vermont! ROFL

  18. cousin would shoot me for try'n.

  19. Puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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