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About restNChrist

  • Birthday 10/20/1979


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  1. For real. Some say boycotts are overreactions or pointless. Carolina deserves better! This is year after year after year of heartaches and sorrow! Boo this owner. Don’t pad his pockets anymore! Don’t buy tickets don’t buy gear demand more from your team!
  2. Anyone explain that challenge on the grounding call? It would’ve been Falcons without the penalty and yards. Is that the worst challenge of all time?
  3. How you gonna miss a field goal on the retry in the exact same way? No adjustment at all.
  4. I hate them equally but kind have a soft spot for both QBs
  5. Bucs answer on first drive 7-7! Maybe all offense & no defense? These O lines are playing really well. Anyone lay down a parlay?
  6. Falcons hitting on all cylinders on first drive.
  7. “It all matters. It all counts. And so that’s something that we gotta think about. But again, we had an opportunity today to play football. We played a lot of football, particularly on defense. We played a lot of football. So we’ll learn a lot from just being able to get this group together and work off each other.”
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