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Cary Kollins

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Everything posted by Cary Kollins

  1. Hey guys, we're getting the band back together!! O Rly?! O Wee! woohooo! hip hip hooray! HAHAHA YEA RIGHT! AND I FART GOLDEN STAHS!!
  2. Yeah, the 2013 12-4 Panthers got several mid-level guys paid. Now, we'll probably get one back. So we get Ginn back, and slowly start to rebuild the 2013 WR squad. Could Smith Sr. be in the Panthers futures?
  3. I mean, they should just go ahead and put Ted Ginn back on the official website right?
  4. How is the weather in SoCal, Marty?
  5. almost as much as Andrew Luck wipes his butt with daily
  6. yeah that's the vibe I got from the google Also will be checking out the more adult establishments
  7. it's the third step that I am worried about
  8. Brett Jensen's dumb self saying the team made mistake by not making it a June 1st cut. Tried to tell the idiot it's not official, and even if it were it can be designated June 1st, but he has blocked me on twitter.
  9. Have you spent time in Jacksonville? I haven't, wondering what the nightlife is like.
  10. Thing is, the Panthers have not cut him yet. Williams is just going out and breaking the news himself. Nothing is official. David Newton said on twitter the Panthers have no plans to make an announcement today.
  11. Would explain several posters in the tinderbox.
  12. Lol Panthers saying nothing is official. Well played Dwill
  13. Jonathan Stewart hearing the news like
  14. only the ladie's answers in the "girth/length" debate matter
  15. Don't want to speak for the man, but didn't RR say he didn't want to do it at this time?
  16. If there were a plug and play type LT at 25, I have little doubt we would take him as fast we took Star and KB.
  17. So one player drafted at 25 is the difference between a horrid and not horrid offense?
  18. Go ahead and hold your breath for that QB bubble to burst.
  19. If this guy is the next Thomas Davis, can you imagine having Keuchly and Shaq dashing from sideline to sideline for the next ten years? I'm sure Gettleman can.
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