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Everything posted by Crixtala

  1. no no no... nothing spoiled. i just read about after reading your post and then thought you may have been hinting at it lol
  2. guess i should have read into this post a little better...
  3. i'm about 2/3 of the way through it and it's fantastic... really loving the characters. just got to the point that Barsavi is marching his way to Echo Hole, so poo's about to get serious i'm more than likely going to order the second book here shortly so i have it in hand when i'm done with the first
  4. got this yesterday and am only about 30 pages in so far, but definitely appreciate that this hits the ground running right out of the gate. i feel like too many fantasy/high fantasy novels i've tried to get into lately are too big for their britches from the beginning and spend the first 300 pages setting up way too much information before ever actually getting into any type of a story i mean, i'm sure this is doing the same thing... i'm sure Locke isn't just some little kid the whole book, but at least it feels like something is happening right now
  5. same boat here... started a few different books (including The Way of Kings, and couldn't get in to them) need to get in a reading mood again thinking about grabbing a signed version of the new patrick rothfuss novella (through his charity), so that may kickstart the desire to read again when it shows up
  6. yeah, agree all the way around... he's probably the best author i've read in recent years outside of GRRM. i follow him on FB and all he does his talk about how behind schedule he is, which is crazy to me considering these books are the only books he has to stand on as far as goodwill from publishers/readers go at least get your first series out, then if you want to be a diva author, go to town lol
  7. for those of us waiting for the third book in Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicle series... this is coming out first http://www.amazon.com/Slow-Regard-Silent-Things-Kingkiller/dp/0756410436/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1402063568&sr=1-1&keywords=patrick+rothfuss
  8. i had the first book on my nightstand for months... just couldn't get in to it. the beginning just doddled along forever and couldn't hold my attention i really like sanderson, so i'm sure i'll give it a go again when i'm really in the mood to read something, but it was hard to get into
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4g7mPUskW8
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul98kMrqZL4
  11. and the best weekend of the year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQZmcrBa5g0 good song too...
  12. one of my favorite weekends of the year... some friends and i are actually in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWtx-ZYwxPQ
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4k0Pdn5oBI
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFRuHKqVgpg
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow5imNn8jk4
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08NTBjk1_bY
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hduvUcyGGk
  18. suns peeking out now... this is gonna go quick. just enough time left this afternoon to make a slushy mess that will all re-freeze tonight
  19. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's back lol
  20. yep, and it's warming up enough now that everything's starting to drop out of the trees
  21. haven't ventured out of the neighborhood today, but the few neighbors that have gone by in the past 30 minutes or so aren't even getting tire tracks down to the pavement. pretty sure the steady dusting from this morning left a nice layer of ice before this heavy stuff started
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