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Posts posted by iamhubby1

  1. 17 minutes ago, CPcavedweller said:

    That's why I shook my head when I saw we signed Whitehead and everyone here seemed to be cheering for it, if not crying because Luke was gone.

    I'll stand by my pick projection, we should've taken Micah Parsons instead of Horn. Cornerbacks can affect the game but a Middle Linebacker of that athletic ability alters a franchise.

    I assumed our new GM would understand that because without Wagner and Chancellor, Earl Thomas and Richard Sherman are JAG. Inside out. 


    I'm sorry, but in today's NFL a great CB is more valuable than a great MLB. If a MLB misses a play, there are still players who can make the play. If a CB misses a play, it can turn into a TD.


    We had Luke for 8 years. That didn't seem to alter this franchise. 

  2. 2 hours ago, frankw said:

    We got any clips like this from a winning season or no?


    You do know there is this thing called the interwebz. Ask a parent, or guardian to show you how it works.


    2 hours ago, frankw said:

    Why do we need to walk around on egg shells about the elephant in the room? It's time to win.


    Hey, those Chiefs are doing well. Maybe try going over there.\


    31 minutes ago, frankw said:

    Are you under the impression he got a pass for losing? His own gm called him out for it publicly. Say what you want about his on the field persona but he was the Panthers leading rusher the last time Carolina had a winning record.


    I'm sure you would fit right in with all those obnoxious Pats fans. Maybe try that one out. Cam is still there, so you have that going for you.


    28 minutes ago, frankw said:

    Remember it was a rebuild until it wasn't when we paid a backup quarterback 30 million dollars for one year of service.


    How dare the Panthers make a mistake. Burn it down, burn it down now.


    27 minutes ago, frankw said:

    Comedy Central GIF by South Park


    I know there are words and such in there. But honestly, all I see is...whaaaaa I ain't a happy little Troll, and I'm gonna throw a hissy fit, lash out at everything, and everyone.


    A complaint without a solution is just a bitch. And boy-howdy can you complain.

    • Pie 2
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  3. On 7/7/2021 at 4:29 PM, CRA said:

    He played 8 years. 

    We had a top 10 ranked D in 5 of those.   5 of his first 6 years we were a top 10 D. 



    You should not have to defend Luke to anyone on a Panther Fan Site. I mean, the Man is basically HOF bound. Trolls gon Troll.

    • Pie 1
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  4. On 7/7/2021 at 5:00 PM, SBBlue said:

    I didn't post the ints  by year dude.  You're arguing  with @glenwo2  through me.



    It's funny cuz one of his favorite deals is telling people they need work on their reading comprehension. lol


    21 hours ago, glenwo2 said:

    Kungfool then goes on to argue with YOU and then claim he didn't realize you were citing my post later on.

    This guy is too much.  🤣

    (oh and he has me on Ignore, he says?  Great.  Of course...for him to try to reply to what I pointed out earlier kind of defeats the whole "ignore" thing but to each his own.)


    He's playing 4D chess don't cha know?

    • Flames 2
  5. On 7/1/2021 at 4:40 PM, SBBlue said:

    I've been thinking about this.  Our YBC dropped off a cliff last season.   We had been top of the league for years all the way to 2019.  Then in 2020 we were bottom of the league.

    Was it the new scheme, oline performance, Davis run path choices, or some combination?

    If it was oline, or scheme, we may have a problem.


    Bump. Because I've been thinking about this as well. With all the stuff we have been talking about to help make Sam successful this year. There is one that seems to be forgotten. Play Action.


    Last year, for Dlines, it was stop the run on the way to the passer. PA was no deterrent at all. Whether it was the Oline, the RB, or even the QB. For us it just didn't work.


    This year, with Cmac back. PA should be much, much more effective. Even if Cmac is not being effective, just the threat of him running should give Sam and extra 1/2 second or so.


    Point being, Dlines can no longer stop the run on the way to the QB. Cuz if you don't make the tackle, there's a chance nobody does. 

    • Pie 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Raleigh PF said:

    Moton gets paid. 

    The logic is pretty simple. Keep him, develop Christensen and expect at least one of the young linemen to develop into a solid starter. That gives you a young core of OLine from which to build. Don't skimp on the OLine picks over the next couple of years and a perceived weakness develops into a strength. 

    Lose Moton and the Panthers are back to bailing wire and duct tape for the foreseeable future.

    The only fly in the ointment is Moton and his desire to stay in Carolina. I don't believe the contract delay has all been on Carolina's side.


    5 hours ago, SBBlue said:

    Oh he's getting paid, here or somewhere else.  Hopefully here.

    I wonder how much the LT, RT is playing into it since there appears to be a LT premium.

    I know they are saying they want a long term deal, but he may just end up playing LT on the tag this year and we play long term LT money next year.


    Here's my thinking. BChris at RT, Miller at RG, Paradis mentors Moore at C, and Moton at LT. That leaves a bunch of guys fighting for LG. One of them has to be decent to good? Right?


    I am getting to the point where I might just let Moton walk next year. We can probably get solid LT play in FA for 5-10mil less than what Moton would get. Or, throw a couple of Draft Picks at LT and see what sticks.


    Or...if things go better than expected this year, and BChris plays well. Maybe pay Moton and have your bookends together for another 4+ years.


    Man, I'm glad I don't have to make these decisions. I have trouble deciding what flavor ice cream to buy.

    • Beer 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, Peanut Butter said:

    Yeah after '16 Cam had a fine healthy '17 .. '16 isn't the last 3 seasons


    You either don't care, or haven't watched. But Cam's arm after tearing his Rotator Cuff has been shot.


    March 17, surgery on shoulder. Still played in 16, we went 11-5

    Week 10 in 18 Watts hits Cam, we went 6-8 with Cam

    Spring 19 surgery on shoulder, plays 2 games, we went 0-2

    Fall 19 surgery on foot.


    You can shout til you go horse. But, Cams last few years here were hard to watch.

    • Pie 1
  8. 57 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    The sunshine squad provide perpetual entertainment to the rest of the Huddle every offseason. It is the one constant, homers ignoring reality. 

    We aren't laughing with you, we're laughing at you......until it actually happens. Then we are both just disgruntled and upset. 


    You do realize there are a whole lot of Huddlers whom you would classify as "Sunshine Warriors". Are you insulting all of them? Or just a select few?


    Lastly, cuz I already regret this. But if you think folks care if you are laughing at them. Then dude, you truly do have an overly inflated self worth.

    • Beer 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    If it is a panic move, it probably won't work out(which is likely true, regardless). See the history of Panthers panic roster moves.


    This iteration of the Panthers is only 1 year old. Not a whole lot of history there. Kinda puts a kibosh on your theory don't ya think?


    I also love how you say "If it is a panic move" which is just a SWAG. Then say "it probably won't work out (which is likely true, regardless). See the history of Panther panic roster moves" like that justifies your guess. lol That's a @Mr. Scotmove. So it's not even an original concept.


    I can say, "Rhule and Fitt vetted Sam thoroughly, so this has a chance of working out. Because they are setting him up for success." My opinion is just as valid as yours. But I'm a Sunshine Warrior, so mine is wrong. Whereas your opinions should always be taken as gospel. 


    And not once did I have to stoop to any personal attacks. 

    • Beer 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, Peanut Butter said:

    You're so lost, Cam's subpar passing since '16 has been due to terrible weapons .. in '17 he had no Olsen, Funchess, and rookie Samuel, CMC .. '18 - again, compare '13 Cam to '18 Cam .. '19 was the only truly bad year ..

    Cam's going to win MVP this season and it is going to make this franchise look even more trash


    Dec 11, 2016 NFL

    Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear

    The only thing that is trash, is your grasp of history. And your undying love for Cam is a close second.


    We have lots of fans that miss Cam. Very few are as delusional as you as to his present abilities. 


    Maybe you should try the Patriots board. They might enjoy having someone explain how good Cam is going to be. You could be a God over there.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Peanut Butter said:

    Cam hadn't been totally healthy in 3 years .. really? I count only two, '18 and '19 .. and even '18 - Cam had better stats than '13 Cam .. so Cam had one injury year, '19

    Other than how they handled Cam .. lol that's like saying outside of Barry Bonds HR's he wasn't good, it's kind of a big deal when you botch situation w/ franchise QB


    Cam hurt his shoulder in 16, hasn't been the same since.


    Cam being let go is part of the business of the NFL. The Not For Long League. Every team loses a Star player every so often. You overreacting, and not being able to handle it? That is on you.

  12. 1 hour ago, Peanut Butter said:

    Cam would have made 19 mil his last season here if he played out his contract, but people here were saying “..Cam won’t play on a one year prove it deal..” .. the last year of a contract for 19 mil wasn't even considered a prove it deal, people were wrongly using the term prove it deal .. Cam would have played out his last year in the contract considering since then he’s signed two actual one year prove it deals for less than the 19 mil people here said he would stick his nose up at


    So let me see if I have this straight? Cam playing out the last year of his contract for 19mil, is not a prove it deal. But Cam playing on back-to back 1mil deals is?


    Not sure I follow where you have drifted?

  13. 14 hours ago, Peanut Butter said:

    It's sad how garbage this franchise is. Imagine if Cam balls out this season, which I think is likely .. that'll be a good look for Carolina - just let your franchise QB go to Boston


    1 hour ago, KendrickPanther said:

    Letting go of Cam for Teddy made no sense. Letting go of Teddy for Darnold made no sense. Very valid criticism of this staff for those moves above all else.


    Ah, the Troll Patrol. 


    Cam hadn't been totally healthy in 3 years. A new staff bringing in a QB they are familiar with is pretty much SOP.


    At least this staff is smart enough to see that Teddy just couldn't cut it. They vetted Sam, and here we are. 


    Other than how they handled Cam. This staff has done pretty good job of turning around one of the least talented teams in Panther history. And built one that is on the cusp of being in a position to be successful.


    This is Rhule's 2nd year. The rebuild ain't done. But by all means, act as if it is.


    tl:dr version, put the fear of the past away. This ain't the same ol Panthers.

    • Pie 1
  14. 1 hour ago, SBBlue said:

    So its ok if he did just because he wanted to win?


    I mean, aren't all Coaches in veritably  under pressure to win? I mean, isn't that basically in the job description?

    lol Way too many people letting the fear of the past drive their thought process for the future. "The Panthers were bad, ergo, they will remain bad", "And if they remain bad, the Coach is gone". Or my new favorite, "If Sam busts, we have to start examining Rhule's ability to evaluate QBs". 


    Folks harp on the "Sunshine Squad" for being optimistic. Yet see nothing wrong with their being negative. Cuz, you know, same ol Panthers man.



    • Pie 1
  15. 10 hours ago, tiger7_88 said:

    Well, from my experience, the trend is:

    * Stay at Carolina until the organization sucks you dry, uses you until you are a dry husk,  and the fans throw you under their red-neck bus, or

    * Leave

     It’s a pretty dang easy choice as to which you would recommend to a player whose interest you are in favor of.


    1st, this ain't your daddy's Panthers anymore. Not sure if you are aware, but we have a new Coach, and a new GM. THIS team is trending upwards. I know that doesn't jibe with your sarcastic, grumpy old man personna. But hey, if you pay attention to what is going on, you may just enjoy it. Nah, stupid idea I know.


    2nd, I thought Moton went to WMU, not Auburn. Why do you care about him?

    • Pie 1
  16. 12 hours ago, Khyber53 said:

    They played soft across the entire defense. We weren't exactly stopping the running games either...

    They were soft. The defensive game plan was soft. We had multiple games where the opposing team never had to make their punter get off the bench. 


    I don't think you are giving last years team enough credit. With what little talent they had, that D played it's heart out. Calling them soft is extremely disingenuous if you ask me.


    8 hours ago, Khyber53 said:

    Bottom of the league and a losing season, whether expected or not, is laying an egg. 

    Tepper's a billionaire. He can trade out a coach faster than a wife. Love is fickle when your bank accounts all have multiple commas.


    Laying an egg? let's not overreact. Last years team played about as well as a team in the 1st year of a rebuild should play. You may expect more, but that is on you. Most were pleasantly surprised with last years D.


    8 hours ago, Khyber53 said:

    Yep, he is. I hope it works out for us, I really do. 

    I'm just saying, again and again, he's going to have to show more than "promise" next year. 


    Just because you repeat yourself until you are blue in the face. Does not make you right. Rhule, and Fitt have a few years left in the bank. I'm sure they have a shot at continuing to build this team.


    After all, this is only Rhule's 2nd year, and 1st with Fitt. Saying they are on any seat, is a bit premature. IMO.

    • Pie 1
  17. Just now, Jon Snow said:

    I'm guilty of frequenting that joint back in the day.  Damn I'm old.


    Not really football related. But we used to have a full length mirror right in front of the toilet. The damm image kept getting older and older. I finally had to get rid of it, cuz I didn't want to deal with the old guy staring at me any longer. lol

    • Beer 1
  18. 14 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    Look at this my friend. Before, know this Lane Johnson was going to play LT at some point.  My eyes maybe off....but I see LOTS more OGs in the top 20 than RTs.....plus Ram is new. So quick recap- Lane signed with intentions of playing LT and Ram just signed days ago....... Only two RTs by name in the top 20 and I just gave reasons for each. Again Im the crazy one for not wanting to over-pay a very good RT. Panthers over paided at RB and LB......RT is about the same value too, might as well go full tard.




    1. You are freaking out over a contract that has yet to be signed. 


    2. Moton is one of the best Tackles in the league. And you are undervaluing him immensely just to...I dont know.


    3. This is a new Panthers Regime. You are both blaming them over past deeds, and then using that to fret over the future.


    4. Don't pay Moton. Undervalue his talent. It's your prerogative. 

    • Beer 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    It does feel like I am undervaluing the RT, but you have to make hard choices since its impossible to pay all 25 spots top money. OL is important, very much. I have LT and C as wayyyy more valuable and depending on the system RG or LG maybe more as well. In recent years I have greatly changed my OG value, as has the NFL given the contracts as well. Past years I wouldnt have touched a OG before the mid-3rd at best, NFL changed and I did too. RT has sorta replaced OG in "value" terms for me. 

    The OL needs to be rebuilt with or without Moton. IF Moton is getting 20+ mill per year for RT, that will make harder on filling other spots including the other 4 OLmen. 

    3 people on my side, no big deal. Popular opinions well....you know.(I wonder what the most popular song is currently?) Lets just say at least its not chuck agreeing with and MHS is. I know this is unpopular, very unpopular line of thinking with a very good player such as Moton. But that ends when your talking top 5 OL money for a non-elite Moton playing a lesser valued spot.  



    I'm sorry, but if you truly believe that RT is the lowest value position on the line. I'm done.

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