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Everything posted by Alemanders

  1. man texans might get a win with how they are playing on D
  2. lol i didnt mean "damn" like I was rooting for him, i meant like damn watson what u doin
  3. announcer "broncos fans deserve better." stfu they were gifted a superbowl
  4. the other qb also took us 15-1 and made us relevant. but go off with Sam i guess?
  5. wouldnt punting the ball out of anger be unsportsmanlike?
  6. these announcers sound like absolute dorks.
  7. Don't gatekeep football Fandom. It's a really weird thing to do.
  8. What a bs call, and he gets ejected? So it's his fault Tua got sent back out when he shouldn't have?
  9. jesus christ diggs with the best catch ive seen all year
  10. ok id argue there is a duality in place here. Putting in a good effort and losing sucks less a meaning less win.
  11. i think i just disagree with how something like winning gets taken. Do you want to convince an absolute loser of a team they good, or remind a good team in a bad situation that they are good.
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