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Chief Keek

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Everything posted by Chief Keek

  1. There are some similarities, it ultimately boils down to a how a college coach tries their same shtick in the NFL and refuses to adapt. Treating players like college athletes, Chip Kelly had the same problems.
  2. The point is the Jags cut ties immediately and didn't wait. Another college coach was Greg Schiano, TB kicked him to the curb after two years of his bullshit but here come the Panthers marching Rhule out for another season expecting different results.
  3. The kicker is Rhule is less accomplished as a HC than Urban Meyer and they still fired him after one season. Rhule has never won a championship at any level but he's still has more leeway than most NFL coaches.
  4. 2nd string OL is going to consist of Erving, Elfein, Mays, and probably Jordan. Two guys on that list can't stay healthy so that guarantees Tecklenburg, Brown, or Daley suiting up. 2nd string DL consists of a bunch of JAGS. Haynes is the only serviceable one out of that group.
  5. A good chunk of those guys on the 3rd/4th string D-line and O-line are going to make the roster. Those positions are already paper thin.
  6. Rhule gets to ride into the season with his favorite duo of Sam and PJ
  7. People might be panicking because some of those guys are depth and they didn't look competent for the most part
  8. I think PJ just said fug it, let's get out of here
  9. The starters aren't that much better then the depth, that's what scary
  10. Corral looks woefully under prepared against pressure
  11. Taye Hayes has been making plays this preseason
  12. Unfortunately, Rhule and Snow still think they're in the BIG 12
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