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Chief Keek

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Everything posted by Chief Keek

  1. I think Mac Jones is going to have a sophomore slump this year, they're going to ask him to do a lot more and that Offense is lacking talent.
  2. Marching PJ back out there, Rhule is such a clown
  3. The most glaring difference in the Offense so far is the playcalling, night and day between last year and now.
  4. Jordan is getting beat like a drum, how is he in the one's again?
  5. We shall see but the Panthers have never been the team to "flip the switch"
  6. There's about 3 or 4 players on that team you can call "iron"
  7. It's the process, you just can't see it yet.
  8. So more of the same CMC or bust; i.e. running him into the ground. Same stuff, different day.
  9. That Defense doesn't appear like they could stop a nosebleed, way too light for a NFL team.
  10. Not shocked at all, the smartest HC to never win a championship at any level. He's just too big brained for us commoners, 1000 IQ.
  11. What a surprise, they need to move on from Darnold already. Rhule strikes me as a person who can't admit they've made a mistake.
  12. The competition should be Corral and Baker, Darnold can be the highest paid water boy in the NFL.
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