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Everything posted by TheRumGone

  1. It looked like it stuck to his thigh but I really don't know just a homer opinion
  2. Vomiting helps too. And small seasoned curlies because I'm trying to watch my figure
  3. I'm a few pounds below medically obese so "get your facts right"
  4. I also remember bwood posting pictures of his girlfriend and telling other posters they were pussies for not doing the same. Dude is so thirsty I guess his daddy gave more attention to his Grammy award then him.
  5. Internet rep is a funny thing. Seeing meltdowns like this reminds me of the old huddle so there's that.
  6. My wife's friends sisters friend follows cams gf on snapchat. See no baby bump in Gastonia. he literally just made a mockery of you in a funny thread and you got pulled so hard you are reverting back to he wasn't trolling because look at all the research. Trolled a troll and now the troll thinks he wasn't trolled which means he was really trolled. mindfuged. Go away child
  7. Or maybe some things are going over your head little guy
  8. bwood dude lol stop posting you're embarrassing yourself for all to see.
  9. "We got our asses kicked today" --cam newton Front four pressure is extremely concerning and this isn't just because of this one game. You win championships with consistent pass rushers and big time qb play. We only have one of those right now.
  10. If we actually score here we should just go for two points at this point. These players are mentally done today
  11. Great stop! Gives us a chance. Offense has looked like poo all game but I'm hoping for the best
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