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Everything posted by Jase

  1. I would not go to school out of state unless I had a scholarship. I strongly urge you to reconsider your options. Going to school in-state is difficult enough to pay off, especially if you're going to be a nurse and making maybe 50-60k per year at best. Loans are a racket no matter how you slice them.
  2. When I set that deadlift PR a few weeks ago, I tweaked my quad a bit on the re-rack. Squatted for the first time since then last night, felt good.
  3. find a better gym one thing my gym does well is that they have two dumbell areas... one that has a set that goes from 5-150 in 5 lb increments, and another that has a set that goes from 5-55 in 2.5 lb increments Naturally I only work with the 150s
  4. I have no use for a horny goat... you must be thinking of saltman
  5. there's no other time for me with little ones another good reason for me to not take stimulants
  6. are you familiar with the term "stim dick" I haven't used stimulant pres for a long time.... my penis among other body parts thank me for it
  7. I will just tell you this. I suffered from lower back pain before I started deadlifting. Not anymore.
  8. Re-racking wasn't pretty (slick bar) but I deadlifted 335 for a new PR. The road to respectability continues. When I started almost 2 years ago, deadlifting 135 was about all I could handle.
  9. Sorry They were here for about 2 hours before I came to my senses
  10. nah don't get me wrong, I've put on a lot of muscle, I just don't look big in clothes if you know what I mean. There are just things that I can't control that make me look smaller. Long arms, long legs, narrow shoulders.
  11. I am the opposite weight training for 2 years and I barely look like I lift. Teach me toldozer
  12. 4th greatest offensive yardage in team history by the end of the third quarter! How do you like them apples? - Mike Shula's Evil twin brother Mark, new panthers OC
  13. I am tempted to add front squats to balance out my back squats. I have never done them before. How much weight should I reasonably expect to be able to do? Half of my back squat?
  14. << tiny calves, comparatively huge squat butt and quads
  15. I have had exactly one week off... muscles are flat as hell. Do I even lift? Chest today. Deadlift tomorrow. Oh and I don't look anything like an NFL lineman.
  16. I am back up to a happy weight of 182 and 15% bodyfat. Lifts have come back up. With thanksgiving this week, I'm feeling like 185 might be within reach.
  17. Nothing says badass like a zipper flesh tattoo and going 3 mph on the treadmill.
  18. You're the cat facts guy, aren't you?
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