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Everything posted by Jase

  1. No spoon? Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
  2. I could barely walk yesterday from the previous leg day but still pounded out some shoulder work. Had sex last night afterward (TMI?) and now the legs doms is even worse today.
  3. static stretching doesn't seem to do anything to help knee popping, but like I said the bike helps a bunch
  4. My knees aren't great, but I've alleviated a lot of snap-crackle-pop and discomfort during leg exercises by spending a few minutes on the bikes before doing anything else. Seems to get everything lubed up in the joint. Then I squat some heavy weight. BTW I can barely stand up today.
  5. Curls for the girls, bro Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
  6. Kinky. Going in to do back right now. Oh and biceps getting its own day? What kind of sorcery is this? Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
  7. My wife used to say things like "I like you lean" and "big chests are gross" and "I don't want you bigger". I don't claim to be "big". But now she's always fondling my arms/chest. Around the house and during sex.
  8. all women say stuff like this, ignore her. She will say this and then when you do get bigger, she will be all over you. moral of the story is, women don't know what they like.
  9. So how does it work? Do you do sit ups whenever you can during the day? does it detect your motion or do you manually input?
  10. Step down the weight and up the reps... that makes my back burn like crazy
  11. had a good chest workout last night... also decided to shed a few pounds to see if I can get more than an outline of abs... 1 pound down.
  12. do you stop shaving his back just below his waist? Does that make it look like he's wearing hairy pants? This is a reason not to start shaving your body. Eventually, you won't know where to stop and you'll want to shave everything.
  13. my wife won't let me shave anything, but if she did, I would. I hate body hair.
  14. This may belong in LL, but I never post in there.
  15. I thought that getting into better shape myself would inspire her. Well, so far, it seems to have had the opposite effect.
  16. not to give too much away about my wife's weight, but 150 at 5'-4" isn't terrible. My wife is 5'-4" and looks pretty damn good when she's 150. She's also got the whole hourglass figure thing going and muscular legs.
  17. Wife has admitted to me that she's gotten complacent with her body and made defeatist remarks about her weight like "I'll be back up to my pregnancy weight soon" She doesn't even try anymore no matter what. How soon should I divorce her?
  18. Something always seems to go wrong on my leg days. Yesterday, it was my own fault, as I had a giant burrito for dinner. Every time going down for a squat felt like I was going to hurl.
  19. Well if you wanted in on the deck pecking, you should have said something.
  20. I think I'm too flexible for my own good. I never get a stretch on the pec deck that rivals doing DB flies, even adjusted all the way back. I use the handles sometimes and sometimes I keep my hands open and flat. The trouble with the DB flies is that you don't get quite the squeeze at the top
  21. I do both of those, however I prefer dumbbell flies to the pec deck as I don't seem to get much out of doing it on the machine.
  22. I should have clarified, DB bench presses Sent from my KFSOWI using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
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