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Everything posted by WOW!!

  1. Mcall wants somebody fuging job tonight...
  2. Are you fuging serious.. Our kicker reallly!!
  3. Tre looks horrible but again it's only preseason.
  4. Funny thing about the QBS in next year draft.. None are putting numbers up like Baker did in College.. Have yau'll seen Baker College numbers?? https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/baker-mayfield-1.html Dam!! I was so busy being about Cam.. That I didn't notice how dominate he was in college..
  5. He rotated Moton over to LT because Erving came in injured.. Not because he was doing some competition.. If he was doing what I think is (Campen influence) competition last year.. BC would have been getting a shot at LT instead of moving Moton when they knew they didn't want to put him at LT. Also there would have been more competition for LG instead of Eflin and Eflin would have battle Paradis for C.. Hell Miller had Covid missed all of camp and still walked right back in to RG a week before the season.. MJ came on when Paradis was hurt for the season and Eflin moved over after he came off injury.. Your recollection of last year is off..
  6. Mom number 2 could play LB for us.. That kid forgot to clean the shared bathroom so she Gored him!! His neck whipped back so hard they going to share CTE case... Good video @Mrs. Scot that was funny.. Lmao!!
  7. Yo!!! That last kid is going on punishment for a month for not selling his mom's tackle attempt... She forgot to pack his lunch desert so he bucked her.. lmao..
  8. Oh okay.. my bad.. I gave him credit for 2 sources..
  9. Wrong .. He didn't do this last year.. Erving, Eflin and Darnold were giving starting jobs.. We'd wish he would have done this last season.. Because Brady would have beaten out Erving and maybe Brown would have gotten Miller (sacks happen) ass out of here..
  10. Dude you can't say You're doing "wait and see" while shitting on every move made..
  11. Yeah I disagree with the last paragraph.. I don't think there is a clear cut correlation with rep Distribution and win loss record.. Win or lose the 1st game won't answer the rep debate.. There are examples both ways.. Cam split rep all TC with Clausen and broke every record as a rookie.. Jeff lewis got all 1st team reps and sucked so bad they cut him before game 1.. You take this on a case by case basis..
  12. NO it wasn't.. Before Campen got here.. Rhule was giving jobs away and their was no competition or Juggling of Oline combination.. Do you not remember last year??
  13. @frankw please take a breath slow down and read.. Nobody saying the problem is completely fixed.. Nobody saying it wasn't a major issue last year.. Nobody is asking you to give Matt any credit.. All we're saying is live in Reality please.. The team actually saw a problem (that has been a problem even before Rhule) and actually did something.. It is a fact the team made a effort (which we couldn't say about past regimes) to actually work on the Oline.. They brought in 4 quality players by most people opinion to replace the garbage we had last year.. They are actually giving opportunities to players they didn't last year.. They actually brought in a competent Oline coach.. You don't have to proclaim a problem is fixed to acknowledge the effort.. You don't have to forget or forgive past moves to be optimistic about moves made this season.. There is no reason to live in a fantasy world where 31 other teams have a better oline and 10 quality starters on those oline.. Just to poo on this team or (more evident) on a coach.. Again you don't have to like, trust, or believe in Rhule.. To appreciate or be optimistic about certain moves the team makes.. You can still be debbie downer and have no faith in the team but still be realistic and objective about certain moves..
  14. 4 position on that Oline has new starters.. What more did you think they could do?? Oh let's add in the Fact they brought a well respected and experienced Oline coach.. What more did you want them to do in 1 offseason?? Reality please.. Not a madden trade simulator..
  15. I said the opinion was stupid not you as a person.. Sorry if you took it that way.. But the opinion you posted was incredibly dumb.. Even with perfect grammar..It is one of the dumbest opinions I've seen from a person who says he's a fan of pro football.
  16. This is the stupidest post you've done.. Please rethink this opinion.. Just because you have the 32 ranked Oline (which I don't think we did and your spewing false stats AGAIN!!) BUT IF WE DO.. IT Doesn't mean Olines 15 thru 31 are good and don't have depth issues.. Again Joe Burrows was sacked 61 x last year.. But even then you can't replace a whole position group in 1 offseason..
  17. Seriously @frankw what year in Rhule's tenure (2020 till now) did you see competition for position?? Like they are doing this year?? You say it's the same thing so what year did you see ppl having to earn their playing time??
  18. Why wouldn't they.. Did you just start watching pro football?? 2 have contracts that would leave dead money if they were cut.. And Reality is you can't replace a whole position group in 1 offseason.. Asked Gettelmen how that worked out.. They've replaced most of the starting Oline but you need depth right?? Also no team in the league has 10 starting quality Olinemen.. Name 1 team who doesn't take a dip if they go through Oline injuries?? No I'm latching on to a HC who was forced to change his staff and coaching style and now see signs that he isn't Micromanaging them and letting them do their jobs...
  19. You're not giving him a pass on anything.. Toilet paper, the way he holds a toothbrush his choice of soft drinks anything.. And its blind hate at this point that you don't see Campen has control over Oline decision and Mcadoo is running offensive practice with Rhule to the side.. Reality check frank.. If Rhule was running things the same way he did last year.. Bozeman, And Ikey would have been giving the Job with no competition.. Like Eflin and Eriving were last year.. Which we all bitched about..
  20. So they were headed to exactly what everybody thought it would end up being.. With 3 weeks till regular season.. smh
  21. Ickey was going to make mistakes anyway because he's a rookie transitioning into the 2nd hardest position in pro football... Its rare a rookie LT comes in and is perfect even HOFers struggle their rookie season..
  22. Yeah okay.. Campen has a built in excuse already and no other QBS plays preseason behind 3rd and 4th string Olines.. Got it..
  23. But it was already said they were switching due to each QB getting comfortable with a Center.. Instaed of switching for chemistry purposes.. And a question is why isn't Campen catching any of this grief when it comes to Oline decision??
  24. Omg.. Really?? Smh Now we mad because What again?? He wouldn't have gotten injured if he took all 1st team reps??
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